Urban Planning
forough andesta; shahrivar rostaei
The expansion of urbanization and the problems resulting from urban life have made it increasingly necessary to pay attention to useful strategies and solutions to optimize the lives of citizens. With the introduction of democratic concepts and approaches over the last decades, new patterns ...
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The expansion of urbanization and the problems resulting from urban life have made it increasingly necessary to pay attention to useful strategies and solutions to optimize the lives of citizens. With the introduction of democratic concepts and approaches over the last decades, new patterns of governance have emerged. Good urban governance movement has been one of these new forms. This model is defined as a participatory process that is associated with citizen participation and changing the roles and functions of local government. In this regard, the NBN program, entitled "Neighbors Building Neighborhoods," has been one of the most successful ways of urban management and good governance in the past ten years in Rochester, New York. In this program, all citizens try to organize their living environment. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the implementation of participatory urban governance (NBN program) in District 2 of Tabriz metropolitan.
Methods: The method of present study is descriptive-analytical. To collect the required data, library resources (for theoretical foundations) and questionnaire (for scientific research) were used. It should be noted that the statistical population of this study was calculated to be 382 people, according to the Cochran's formula and the population of District 2 of Tabriz metropolitan. Also, the used questionnaire included 19 five-option questions with a closed answer and its items are measured based on the Likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained using the face validity and its reliability was obtained at 0.826 using Cronbach's alpha method, indicating the desirable reliability of the questionnaire.Then, the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using LISREL software and one-sample t-test in SPSS software, and the indicators influencing the implementation of participatory urban governance (NBN program) were evaluated and prioritized. LISREL software was used to estimate and test structural equation models and to examine and analyze linear relationships between latent variables and observed variables. This program uses correlations and covariance between observed variables to estimate the values of factor loads, variances, and errors of latent variables. In the quantitative stage of study, the relationship between latent variables was examined using the structural equation method and a model was presented using LISREL software. In the field method, as stated, the questionnaire tool was defined and used for each latent variable and observed variables. To analyze the data through the structural equation model, the data obtained from the questionnaires were entered into the SPSS statistical software and were encoded. The data encoded in the LISREL program were retrieved and analyzed.
Results: Based on the results of LISREL software and the t-value, indicating the priority of indicators in LISREL software, the collective agreement indicator with a value of 10.72 was ranked first. In fact, when there are different opinions and ideas in a society, there will be different actors, so it is better to guide the city management and different interests and preferences in the society towards a broad consensus that considers the best and most benefit for groups. In other words, the city is the arena of different groups and interests and they are sometimes in conflict with each other. Collective agreement means moderation and creating an agreement of different interests. Transparency indicator with a T-value of 7.28 was ranked second. It means that lack of transparency and secrecy in urban affairs increases the possibility of corruption in decision-making. However, transparency prevents its spread. Citizen participation indicator, which means power to influence citizens in decision-making and involving them in power with the T-Value value of 6.1, was ranked third. Justice indicator, which means creating suitable opportunities for all citizens to improve their welfare status, the effort for fair allocation of resources and participation of the deprived people in expressing their opinions and decisions with the T-value of 5.18, was ranked fourth. Evaluating the status of indicators in SPSS software and their significance level indicated that significance level of all indicators is less than 0.05. It means that the mean indicators differ from the theoretical mean of 3, and since the values of the two upper bound and lower bound columns are negative, it can be stated that the mean of the indicators is lower than the theoretical mean of 3. Hence, with 95% confidence interval and significance level of less than 0.05, it can be stated that District 2 of Tabriz metropolitan is not in a good position to implement participatory urban governance (NBN program).
Conclusion: One of the most successful models in the area of urban management is the "good urban governance" model, which is a participatory urban management system. In this model, three institutions of civil society, private sector and government participate in all relevant decisions. This approach in urban management is based on the citizen-oriented and fair development is to influence all forces having interest and power in the management of urban affairs and to meet all the needs of these groups. In fact, it can be stated without the active participation of citizens, urban governance will not be realized and urban management will remain in a static framework with a one-sided and dominant power in making decision on city issues. Thus, citizen participation is the driving force of urban management. In this regard, the NBN program is one of the most creative and effective approaches to contemporary urban management and governance, which has been used in Rochester, New York for about two decades. In this program, people participate in all relevant decisions together with the government. This approach, called "neighbors building neighborhoods", can be one of the most serious steps in decentralizing centralized management and urban "top-down planning" and rural areas and movement towards decentralized participatory governance and "bottom-up planning."
The present study was an attempt to evaluate the factors influencing the implementation of participatory urban governance (NBN program). The results of data analysis in the LISREL program environment show that the model has a good fit. Among the indicators, according to their T-Values, the "collective agreement" indicator was ranked first, and the indicators of transparency, citizenship participation and justice were ranked second, third, and fourth, respectively. Also, based on the results of data analysis in SPSS and one-sample t-test and significance level, the mean of indicators with the theoretical mean and the values of upper and lower bounds, which are negative in all indicators, it can be stated that the factors affecting the implementation of participatory urban governance (NBN program) are in an unfavorable situation.
Rural Planning
kuomars khodapanah
Transport is one of the most important activities and an essential component of the economy, which plays an important role in establishing spatial relationships between different locations and, like many existing networks, comprises a set of locations and links that represent inter-location ...
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Transport is one of the most important activities and an essential component of the economy, which plays an important role in establishing spatial relationships between different locations and, like many existing networks, comprises a set of locations and links that represent inter-location communications. The most fundamental elements of a transportation network are network geometry and level of communication. Investing in transport infrastructure is one of the best ways to develop because economic development in any country requires investment in different sectors and economic activities and without it we cannot expect prosperity, the existence of rural roads and proper transportation play an important role in facilitating sales. And exports of agricultural products and rural products and provides a convenient way to market agricultural products easily. Unfortunately, in Iran, this sector has not been able to reach its true position and needs development and improvement, as many of the problems of rural and urban life are rooted in rural transport. In recent years, only efficient and effective planning can address rural transport issues, bring rural transport services into the area, improve the economic life and communication of the villagers, and solve many of the disadvantages of rural life. In rural areas of Ardebil city where a significant part of the population lives in rural areas, rural transportation and its improvement can improve the conditions and quality of life of the villagers and promote economic growth, rapid transfer of goods to market and immediate customer contact. This is because inadequate access to these areas leads to transportation, backwardness, unemployment and poor infrastructure, leading to rural migration to urban centers. Therefore, in view of the importance of the subject, the present study aimed to investigate the role of rural transport in the development of economic dimensions of rural areas in the central part of Ardebil city (Kalkhuran district) in order to answer the following questions:
• From the point of view of household heads, what is the state of transport in the villages?
• To what extent is the impact of rural transport components on the dimensions of economic development?
• What are the dimensions of economic development in the villages under study?
The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the nature and method of the survey component. The statistical population of this study is 12 villages of Kalkhouran village in the central part of Ardabil city with 2946 households. The sample size was estimated to be 340 according to Cochran's formula, but since in some villages the sample size was below ten, the sample size was increased to 356 for better results. The distribution of samples in the villages was proportional to the number of households and the sampling method in each village was systematic random. In order to operationalize the research variables in the independent variable section, three indicators of transport quality, transportation services and rural transport infrastructure in the form of 15 indicators and in the dependent variable four indicators in the form of 23 indicators were used. The instrument used in this study was a closed-ended Likert-type questionnaire whose face validity was evaluated and modified by experts and finally confirmed. Its reliability was estimated 0.753 for Cronbach's alpha and 0.859 for Economic Development. Multivariate regression, one-sample t-test and finally fuzzy TOPSIS technique were used to classify the villages under study.
Results and discussion
After determining the weight of each rural transport indicator, fuzzy TOPSIS technique was used to classify the villages. After calculations, positive and negative ideals were identified. And then the sum of the distances of each village from the positive and negative fuzzy ideals, similarity index was calculated and the level of each village was determined. 0 is at the lowest level of the transport indicators. Multivariate regression coefficient was used to investigate the effect of rural transport on economic development to investigate the contribution of one or more independent variables to the dependent variable; The results showed that considering the significance level of the test with confidence level of 0.95 among the four indices of rural transport, transport infrastructure index with beta coefficient of 0.658 had the most effect on the dependent variable. Is 0.432 of the total variance of economic development. The results of one-sample t-test showed that the dimensions of economic development in the studied villages were desirable because the mean of economic, social and environmental dimensions was higher than 3 desirable (3 equals 60% of the respondents). The highest average (3.375) belongs to the index of job diversification and the lowest average is to economic stimulus.
The results of the research findings to answer these questions show that the role of transport is undeniable in the process of economic development of rural areas, but its indicators have different effects on economic dimensions, such as transport infrastructure index. And the narrative has had the greatest impact on explaining the dimensions of economic development. Diversification of jobs had the highest average, followed by increased income, increased investment of urban origin, and finally, economic excitement had the lowest average. The increase in the number of tourists and travelers to the area and the direct sale of rural products have had an impact on rural incomes, with rural transport having a greater tendency to cultivate marketable and guaranteed purchasing products, on the other hand to invest in industry and Rural services have increased and in addition reduced the cost of transporting goods and manufactured goods to the consumer market.
Rural Planning
Samira Mahmoudi; Seyedeh Fatemeh Emami
Global goals such as the sustainable development of the United Nations as well as the requirements and commitments of the private sector such as supply chains sustainably manner cause growing demand for sustainable investment opportunities in the food and agriculture sectors. Thus, the ...
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Global goals such as the sustainable development of the United Nations as well as the requirements and commitments of the private sector such as supply chains sustainably manner cause growing demand for sustainable investment opportunities in the food and agriculture sectors. Thus, the expansion of investment in agriculture and related industries in the form of public and private investment can create more job opportunities in rural areas and thus prevent the migration of villagers to cities and increase the growth rate of the agricultural sector. However, in such conditions, due to uncertainty, the ability to assess the real risk (as opposed to perceived risk) and the availability of risk reduction tools are the main elements of investment decisions, regardless of the type of investor or even the provision of financial resources. In this framework, the concept of "investment readiness" has emerged as a tool to guide policies and programs aimed at reducing barriers to investment in small and medium-sized businesses.
Based on research, social capital, including social networks and norms, values and attitudes distributed in such networks, have shown a positive effect on economic growth, financial development, joint investments, trade and entrepreneurship. With a reduction in natural resources for local and regional development and the tendency to converge in human capital, social capital has become increasingly important for economic growth. Social capital leads to risky economic decisions by increasing the sense of power in people. In other words, social capital can moderate risk tolerance in people related to local community, since it provides a way to provide individual risks. For example, Bloch et al. (2008) stated that social capital provides an informal insurance mechanism that can increase risk-taking in economic investors. Also, in some studies, scientists have considered social capital as a valuable resource that expands access to various other sources, including financial resources, market information, and customers.
Data and Method
The present study was applied in terms of method and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The data collection method in the present study was a combination of library and survey methods (direct observation and questionnaire). The statistical population of the study included owners of rice-threshing factories located in rural areas of Someh Sara city. There are 55 rice-threshing factories in the study area, and a questionnaire was completed for all the people in the area. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire. For this purpose, 20 questionnaires were completed in the pre-test stage and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.751 was obtained, indicating a good level of reliability of the questionnaire.
Results and Discussion
The results revealed that the mean score of the observed sense of security is 3.1 with a standard deviation of 0.3, which is significantly different from the standard score (3). From the investors' point of view, the most sense of security was in the area of supportive security with a mean of 3.26, followed by economic, political, geographical and legal security, respectively. The results of Pearson correlation showed a direct and positive relationship between social capital and geographical security, supportive security, political security and social security and a negative relationship between social capital and sense of legal security. In addition, investigating the relationship between investment security and social capital indicators showed a significant direct and positive relationship between investment security and social capital indicators (other than social participation). Moreover, based on the results of regression analysis and the coefficient of determination (0.799), independent variables explained about 80% of sense of investment security in the sample population. Thus, for systematically explaining of the effect of social capital indicators on investors' sense of security and achieve a comprehensive model, the multivariate technique of path analysis was used and the direct and indirect effects of the desired variables were examined in a model.
According to the research results, indicators of legal security, political security, geographical security, social security in relation to the variable of investment security as well as indicators of institutional performance and institutional trust and interpersonal and generalized trust and social participation in relation to the social capital variable were among the factors affecting the sense of investment security. In this regard, the direct factors affecting the sense of security of rural investors include legal security, political security, geographical security, social security, institutional performance and trust, respectively. Factors that indirectly affect the sense of security of investors also include social networks (through indicators of economic security and social security), social solidarity (through indicators of supportive security, social security, legal security, political security and geographical security), social participation (through institutional performance indicators and social security), and legal security (through indicators of geographical security, political security, supportive security, social security and institutional performance).
Although in some cases, business enterprises make risky investments with the hope of achieving high returns, investment is a process that is not compatible with risk. In such conditions, governments can play a major role. In fact, development-oriented governments are obliged to review and reform the rules and regulations, reduce bureaucracies, increase the transparency of licensing, and pave the way for economic activities and investment, especially in vulnerable and deprived rural areas, since institutional performance, institutional trust and social networks were identified as the most effective indicators of social capital in the sense of security of rural investors. As observed, Someh Sara has a great capacity in the area of fish farming (ranked second in terms of fish production in the province) and a great variety of crops (rice, beans, watermelon, peanuts, beans, garlic) and garden products (strawberries, apples, pomegranates, peaches, nectarines and pears). However, it does not have much variety in conversion and complementary industries, and even no investment has been made in some products such as fish processing, peanuts and strawberries. Nothing special has happened. However, if safe conditions are provided for investment by relying on social capital indicators, the special capabilities of the city in the area of sustainable rural and even regional development can be used.
Rural Planning
habib aghajani; saeedeh cheshmaloos
Introduction Poverty means the inability to meet one's basic needs and necessities of life such as food, clothing, housing, etc. The concept of basic needs varies based on time and place, and it includes the minimum needs to survive with an average standard of living. Poverty limits human development ...
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Introduction Poverty means the inability to meet one's basic needs and necessities of life such as food, clothing, housing, etc. The concept of basic needs varies based on time and place, and it includes the minimum needs to survive with an average standard of living. Poverty limits human development and has long-term and extensive harmful consequences (Arzerum Chiller, 2005). The poverty phenomenon has long accompanied mankind and has been one of the basic socio-economic issues of humans. In recent decades, despite the expansion of the implementation of economic reform, poverty and inequality are still seen in most countries. Also, due to their comprehensive consequences, poverty and inequality are nowadays the focus of international organizations, government officials, economists, and of course sociologists more than ever. The significance of poverty reduction has always been focused on in religious teachings. Besides, elimination of poverty and deprivation of members of society and ensuring their well-being has strong theoretical foundations in the Holy Quran and Islamic teachings. Therefore, reducing poverty and respecting human dignity must be operationally considered in economic and social plans (Hekmati Farid, 2013). Given these teachings and the importance of poverty reduction in the country's development, paying attention to the poor and supporting them can be seen in Articles 2, 3, 21, and 29 of the Constitution, as well as Article 43, which pays particular attention to erase poverty and deprivation from society. Data and methodology The general econometric model used for examining the impact of variables and factors affecting the rural poverty index with a focus on rural roads is described as follows: i=1,2,…,28 t=1,2,…,15 Where the variables are: Sen = Amartya Sen poverty index (rural); calculation of the Sen index for rural areas of Iranian provinces RAH = Existing rural road (km) of the Roads and Transportation Organization El = Number of villages receiving electricity recorded by the Statistics Center of Iran He = Number of rural health centers recorded by the Statistics Center of Iran Educ = literacy rate of the rural population AB = Number of villages with drinking water recorded by the Statistics Center of Iran In = average rural household income khc = Food expenditure of rural households AGG = Agricultural sector growth rate It must be mentioned that the model was estimated in two modes to examine the short-term and long-term effects of rural road development on the rural poverty index. Mode one occurs with the Rah and DRah variables, which represented the total number of the rural roads in the province in each year and the difference of rural roads in the province in each year, respectively. Mode one showed whether or not the development of rural roads each year has affected poverty. Also, the model was estimated in different modes with different variables to avoid the collinearity problem. This model was designed based on panel data and its coefficients were estimated using conventional panel data econometric methods. Analysis of findings and conclusion As mentioned earlier, in addition to the transportation of agricultural products, roads reduce the time of transportation and the final price of the produced goods. Safe and proper roads and transportation networks are essential for accessing other important centers of the country. Besides, according to many experts, the effect of this factor on the expansion of other developmental factors is undeniable and it paves the way for significant development in various ways. Providing physical infrastructures plays an important role in the economic development process and facilitates accessing infrastructures such as education and health facilities, water supply, supply of electricity, and transportation, which in turn enhances welfare. Because it seems that the development of infrastructures such as investments in healthcare services, electricity and water supply, development of irrigation and drainage networks, construction of rural roads, and establishment of educational centers in rural areas improve income distribution and decrease the poverty rate. According to the statistics of the National Roads and Transportation Organization, the length of rural roads (asphalt and dirt) was 100316 km in 2005, and it was increased to 128139 in 2016. Evidence obtained from comparing rural road expansion and poverty reduction showed that the development of rural roads can have a positive impact on poverty reduction. Based on the research findings, it could be concluded that the expansion of rural roads affected rural poverty. Results and Discussion According to the results of estimations, the expansion of rural roads could not influence poverty in short term, but it could have a diverse influence on poverty, in the long run, meaning that it could reduce poverty. The negative value of the constructed rural road coefficient indicated the negative effect of this variable on the Sen poverty index. In other words, an increase in the constructed rural road led to a reduction in rural poverty. The coefficient associated with the average rural income had a negative value and significance, which indicated that the increase in the income of rural households throughout the studied years reduced rural poverty. The coefficient related to investments in water resources had a negative value and was insignificant, which indicated that this type of investment did not have a direct effect on poverty reduction. The coefficient associated with the variable of the number of villages supplied with electricity was significant and had a negative value, which was an indication of the inverse effect of this variable on poverty. The coefficient of the effect of agricultural sector growth rate on rural poverty was insignificant, which was indicative of the direct effect of this variable on poverty.
Rural Planning
Mohsen Aghayari Hir; Mohammad Zaheri; Hossein Karimzadeh; reza talebifard
Introduction Sustainable rural development based on information and communication technology can be realized as the enjoyment and use of ICT in the area of public services’ support, general management, and interaction between the planners and the rural community and it has to cause contingent participation ...
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Introduction Sustainable rural development based on information and communication technology can be realized as the enjoyment and use of ICT in the area of public services’ support, general management, and interaction between the planners and the rural community and it has to cause contingent participation of the villagers in the decision-makings, improvement of the social and economic development in the villages and protection of the natural resources for the future generations. On the other hand, the existence of spatial inequality in the enjoyment of the ICT-based facilities and services can cause diversion and imbalance in the development amongst the rural regions. In this regard and based on the investigations, it seems that Iran’s rural regions hence Jiroft County do not enjoy a so much optimal situation in terms of the ICT-based sustainable development indices despite possession of abilities like high populational potentials and agricultural economy. Therefore, the present study intends to adopt a novel approach towards ICT-based sustainable development concept for elaborating and valuating its indices in line with planning and achieving sustainable development; to do so, the position and the levels of rural region’s enjoyment in Jiroft County will be assessed and evaluated in terms of the distribution of the ICT-based sustainable development indices and an answer will be found to the following question: How is the status of the villages in Jiroft County in terms of the ICT-based sustainable development level? Data and Method The present study is applied research in terms of the objectives and it is descriptive-analytical research in terms of nature and method. For collecting the information and data, use has been made of the documentary and field methods. The study area of the present research includes the rural regions in Jiroft County. For selecting the sample volume from the study population, two sets of villages, one with and another without ICT centers, were taken into consideration. In sum, 19 villages were found having ICT centers in Jiroft County until 2016; efforts were also made to select another group of the villages by considering several important indices (number of households, the village’s distance to the center of the county, and the village’s elevation from sea level) and some conditions similar or in contrast to those of the villages from the first set. In a match with the total number of the sample villages’ households, i.e. 16170 households, the study sample volume of this group was selected equal to 376 households based on Cochran Formula and the share of the questioned cases was determined in proportion to the number of households in every village. After confirming the validity of the study’s operationalized framework, some elites’ ideas were gathered for determining the weight of the indices in proportion to the conditions of the country’s rural society. Next, COPRAS multiscale decision-making model was employed for analyzing the data and rating Jiroft County’s rural regions in terms of the ICT-based sustainable development. In the end, use was made of K-cluster analysis in SPSS Software’s environment for determining the homogeneous regions and, after determining the level of development in the studied villages, the weights obtained for every village were added within the format of a field to the layer of villages in ArcGIS Software and the results were offered in the form of a map. Results and Discussion In line with achieving the study’s objective and assessing the level of ICT-based sustainable development in Jiroft County’s rural regions, 17 indices were applied. The items related to each of the indices were measured in Likert’s scale and the mean of every index was considered according to the idea of the sample households in every village as a basis for the formation of a matrix indicating the status quo of the ICT-based sustainable development level and rating of the studied villages. In the second step and after the formation of the status quo matrix and to normalize the existent status quo matrix, the indices’ weight determination had to be seminally done. Based thereon, electronic instruction in the social aspect, electronic marketing in the economic aspect, and electronic risk management in the bioenvironmental aspect were found with the highest weights. Then, after finishing the calculational stages of the COPRAS decision-making model, the villages were rated based on Qj’s amount; this way, the villages with the highest amounts of Qj and Nj were found in the highest ranks of ICT-based sustainable development and, on the contrary, the villages with the lowest Qj, were found in the lowest development ranks. Moreover, use was made in this part of Nj for performing K-cluster analysis based on which the studied villages were categorized into five clusters in terms of ICT-based sustainable development level. Therefore, considering the results of the cluster analysis, it can be stated that 8 villages fall in the cluster “developed”, 11 villages in the “relatively developed” cluster, 6 villages in the cluster “intermediate (normal) development”, 8 villages in the “relatively deprived” cluster and, finally, 5 villages in the “deprived” cluster in terms of the ICT-based sustainable development. Conclusion The study results indicated that the rural regions of Jiroft County enjoy a different situation in terms of ICT-based development. Based on the study’s investigations and observations, it can be stated that villages like Dwolatabad Esfandagheh, Dowlatabad Markazi, Daryacheh, Doboneh, Poshtlor, Hosseinabad Dehdar, Ferdows and Saghdar that have the highest development levels under the current conditions enjoy auspicious environmental and spatial states like good position on the plain, high groundwater levels, suitable soil, closeness to the city center and appropriate connective routes and they have also accommodated more population. The aforesaid villages also have better situations regarding cases like ICT infrastructures and equipment, trained human workforce, and services offered in the area of ICT. In opposite, villages named Abshour, Kohan, Hishinsofla, Darrehroud, and Abbasabad that enjoy the lowest level of ICT-based development from the perspective of the study sample volume are small and distant villages usually located in mountainous regions and often with unstable populations. Weakness in access to ICT-based equipment, facilities, and services, as well, in the aforementioned villages is an evident phenomenon. The collection of these conditions have caused the witnessing of different levels of ICT-based sustainable rural development in the rural regions of Jiroft County. The collection of the indices offered in this research can be utilized as a pattern for analyzing the level of ICT-based sustainable development in the other rural regions; additionally, this collection can assist the rural development planners in offering development programs and policies.
Rural Planning
Yousef ghanbari; Razieh Rahimi; hamid barghi
Introduction According to villagers' perspective on creative tourism, the common definition is that local residents should be proud of the creative space of the village, accept active participation in tourism development programs, and have an appropriate hospitality with regard to tourism. The purpose ...
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Introduction According to villagers' perspective on creative tourism, the common definition is that local residents should be proud of the creative space of the village, accept active participation in tourism development programs, and have an appropriate hospitality with regard to tourism. The purpose of this perspective is not considering local residents as a tourist destination and not assuming that only tourists can achieve a notable evaluation of the local creative space. Instead, residents should be considered as a group having an understanding of the originality of the creative space in their living place which will explain their attitude to the environment and be better hosts for tourists. In other words, tourist destination should not be regarded as a commercial package being sold to the tourist and causing destruction in the space (i.e. the sold out products). Cultural and legal discourse, as well as the attitudes and perceptions of the residents should be considered in this package. Preserving the natural environment of the living place is one of the concerns of residents in the villages of Iran and they expect tourists to pay more attention to creative tourism (cultural tourism, village tourism, etc.) to protect the natural environment and consider other aspects. In addition, the status of host and the areas with better acceptance are of great importance in the villages of Isfahan province, being visited by many tourists. In this regard, the present study pursues two main objectives. The first goal is to cluster tourism villages based on behavioral and environmental factors and the second goal is to investigate the effectiveness of behavioral and environmental factors on hospitality by residents being tested using the structural equation approach. Methodology The present study was survey in terms of method. The main tool was a questionnaire in which the scoring method was adjusted based on five-option Likert scale ranging from very high to very low. Amos software was used for modeling and k-means clustering analysis was used for separating the target villages. The obtained data were displayed in the Scatter plot. The statistical population included the residents of the target villages of Isfahan province. A number of 187 subjects were selected using the convenience sampling method and the questionnaires were distributed randomly. Results The items related to "villagers’ attitudes" variables were higher than the average. In variable "participation", the items of participation in environmental preservation, participation in guidance, and interaction with tourists had a good average. In variable "perception ", all items gained a good average. In variable "physical infrastructure", the status of the target villages was acceptable and finally, the villagers were satisfied with hospitality. The results of clustering indicated that the villages of plain region (hot climate) including "Mesr, Garmeh, Bayazeh and Qortan" were placed in cluster 1 (higher average) and the villages of mountainous region including "Abyaneh, Asfarajan, Khafr and Nashlaj, Abyaneh" were placed in cluster 2 (lower average). Scatter plot indicated that environmental factor improved the behavioral factor. The coefficient of determination (R2) revealed that 79% of behavioral factor was explained by environmental factor and there was a good correlation between environmental and behavioral factors. Conclusion In summary, the research model suggested that if two factors of behavioral and environmental in the village have creative features, they will affect the hospitality by villagers. In addition, the effect of behavioral factor was reported. In other words, perception, attitude, and participation of villagers are good predictors for the realization of hospitality. However, the role of environmental factor was highlighted. Furthermore, the environmental features of villages such as cultural, physical and environmental space had a serious effect on hosting tourists. The maximum average of creative hospitality variables was reported in the eastern villages of Isfahan province (Plain region with hot climate) and the villages of Mesr, Garmeh, and Bayazeh had the best conditions. Such results can be interesting for researchers in behavioral geography. Considering the behavioral factor and rural originality will significantly improve the hospitality by villagers and the interaction with tourists. The importance of the present study on this point indicated that no negative effect was found on damaging the rural originality and identity in the target villages of Isfahan, being visited by a large number of tourists.
Rural Planning
saeid nasire zare; vahid riahei
Introduction Inequality in access to and distribution of services is common in most rural and urban areas of developing countries. This leads to spatial displacement and mass migration of rural groups to cities in the hope of having a variety of facilities and more suitable living facilities. Given this ...
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Introduction Inequality in access to and distribution of services is common in most rural and urban areas of developing countries. This leads to spatial displacement and mass migration of rural groups to cities in the hope of having a variety of facilities and more suitable living facilities. Given this knowledge, the study argues that rural settlements, like urban settlements, should have some socio-economic functions in addition to residential function. These functions are in the form of distribution of services, the desired access to which will guarantee the stability and stability of the rural system. In this regard, proponents of service development theory also believe that improving access to services and facilities is one of the basic requirements for achieving rural development. The study of this necessity in mountainous areas has been one of the most important measures due to the fact that the welfare of its inhabitants is highly dependent on it due to access restrictions. Tarom city is located in a mountainous area and a large part of its population and rural areas are located in mountainous areas. Many of its rural areas are sparsely populated and scattered due to their mountainous nature, which has also had an impact on the establishment of the service delivery model. Therefore, preliminary studies in the field of research indicate challenges in access to services in rural areas. Needs attention to effective factors to determine the appropriate model of service delivery in rural areas of the city. Data and Method Establishment of activities and establishment of rural service centers in suitable places will achieve high efficiency and economic justification of services and ensure their sustainability in the future. The basic step to achieve this is to determine effective and appropriate priorities for it, which should be in accordance with the conditions of the study area. First, the effective factors on the access of rural residents to rural service centers were determined based on the researcher's field knowledge of the study area, experts' opinions and similar research in three factors and 12 sub-criteria. Then, after determining the degree of importance of the criteria and sub-criteria, the weight of each of them was determined on the zoning map and the appropriate areas were determined. Finally, in order to determine the suitable rural areas for the establishment of rural service centers, the conditions of each rural area were ranked according to the sub-criteria and the villages with priority were ranked in the Vikor model. Results and Discussion According to the research findings, human, physical and natural factors are the most important factors for the establishment of rural service centers. Population density and concentration is also the most important sub-criterion. Sub-criterion of population density in rural areas, because most of the population is scattered and sparsely populated, has a high priority to determine the most suitable village for service centers and therefore more population will have access to it. According to another study, only 6% of The area of the study area is quite desirable due to its serviceability. There are 20 rural points in this area, each of which has suitable conditions for providing services to the villages in their area of influence in the countryside. According to Vicor score of 20 rural points, 3 rural points for each village were determined as the most suitable central village for rural services. Selected rural areas have a positive population and growth rate and high employment. These areas are located in suitable communication routes in each village and the distance of all rural areas to these rural centers is appropriate. In terms of service stability, these areas are at a good distance from the fault line (earthquake risk) and waterway lines (flood risk) and since these areas are located in low and flat areas, they also have more services in terms of Economic justification and construction costs are appropriate for the development of services. Conclusion The need to pay attention to the rural areas of the country and provide appropriate and sufficient services and facilities to activate rural units, either due to the need to expand production activities (agricultural sector) in these areas or due to proper organization of housing and population stabilization in these areas due to widespread migration , Is a serious and inevitable thing. In connection with this issue, one of the first steps is to recognize the capacities and capabilities of rural areas and to properly regulate and organize the provision of services in order to rationally use these capabilities, which must be firmly and steadily taken. In the study, rural areas that were suitable in terms of factors and conditions were identified. These areas have a good justification for establishing rural service centers. There fore, by determining the appropriate areas and areas for rural service centers, it is possible to provide the necessary conditions for the growth of services in these areas and with proper access to all rural areas studied to these services, rural development can be achieved.
Rural Planning
Ali Azar; ghorban Mahboubi; Mahsa Salahi Ranbari
Introduction One of the emerging phenomena of modern urbanization that has had a significant impact on various problems in metropolitan areas is the reverse migration from urban to villages locating in the suburbs of the cities. The continuation of reverse migration has reduced life quality and ...
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Introduction One of the emerging phenomena of modern urbanization that has had a significant impact on various problems in metropolitan areas is the reverse migration from urban to villages locating in the suburbs of the cities. The continuation of reverse migration has reduced life quality and doubled the pressure on the rural environment. The rapid physical growth of Tabriz (called Urban Creep) has caused the uncontrollable development of rural settlements and has created a kind of new marginalization. Currently, the growth and development rate in the villages connecting to Tabriz is very high, so that the area of these villages has multiplied in recent years, and their population is several times more than that of Tabriz city. It should be noted that the average national growth rate is increasing. However, many of the areas built in these villages are outside the legal boundaries. Due to the lack of a local urban plan, illegal constructions and marginalization in these villages occur with an upward trend. If the trend of reverse migration in these areas continues, a turbulent and organic fabric will emerge in the next few years. Data and Method This study aims to determine the effect of various factors on migration from Tabriz to the surrounding villages and explain the rapid development of these villages. A descriptive-analytical research method has been used in the study. The documentary-library tools and field studies, including questionnaire, was used to collect the information. The statistical population of this study includes the migrants returned from Tabriz to the seven studied villages. In the new comprehensive plan of Tabriz, the villages of Anakhaton, Alvar Olia, Kojovar, Sahlan, Oghli, Khilijan, Konduro (Kondrud), which were previously outside the city limits, have entered the city limits. Subsequently, the research questionnaires were completed from the seven villages connecting to Tabriz city. The components of reverse migration are physical, socio-cultural, economic, and environmental factors, of which 114 were selected using the convenience sampling method. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaires, and the obtained mean reliability was 0.7. Results and Discussion The average growth of the country's rural population during the last ten years (2006-2016) was 69.0%, while it was +43.83% for the studied villages in this period. This growth indicates that rapid physical development has increased in recent years in the villages surrounding Tabriz due to the high cost of land and housing in the Tabriz. The population of the studied villages in 2006 was 25892 people, which has increased to 37249 people in 2016. Furthermore, the area of other villages in 2006 was 284.61 hectares, which has increased to 552 hectares in 2016 and have grown 93.94%. Conclusion Based on the field studies and the data analysis results, in terms of population growth and population attraction, the highest population growth was related to Anakhaton village. According to the factor analysis model, twelve factors were involved in reverse migration to the villages connecting to Tabriz. In the economic and housing factor, the high cost of living in the city with a correlation coefficient of 0.731; in the ecological factor, healthy drinking water with a correlation coefficient of 0.813; in the recreational-tourism factor, the natural tourism spaces with correlation coefficient 0.8; in the entrepreneurship and employment factor, establishment of an industrial workshop in the village with a correlation coefficient of 0.705; in uniformity of social class factor, matching the village with the social class with a correlation coefficient of 0.739; in the urban pollution factor, pollution of the cities with correlation coefficient of 0.820; in village enthusiasm factor; the existence of a happy rural life with a correlation coefficient of 0.774; in the job opportunities factor, the job potentials with correlation coefficient of 0.827; in the security and spatial affiliation, the village security with a correlation coefficient of 0.715; in the high density of the city, urban population density with a correlation coefficient of 0.704; in the cultural-behavioral factors and government support, the factor of government support from the villagers in the form of equity shares and subsidies with a correlation coefficient of 0.858 were the most important variables in reverse migration from Tabriz to the connected villages. Moreover, according to the factor analysis model, the economic and housing factor (Eigenvalue=9.61) determined more than twenty-six percent of reverse migration variance and was the most important reason for the reverse migration to the surrounding villages of Tabriz. The high cost of living in the city, low income, high land prices in the city, low purchase and rental prices in the village were among the economic factors affecting the reverse migration.
Rural Planning
vahid riahi; Farhad Azizpour; zari ghasemian
Introduction: In each country, Development in rural areas requires coherent planning and coordination that Derived from the dominant ideology and accepted by the Stakeholders of development. Studies have shown that in many countries, particularly in developed and even developing countries visioning ...
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Introduction: In each country, Development in rural areas requires coherent planning and coordination that Derived from the dominant ideology and accepted by the Stakeholders of development. Studies have shown that in many countries, particularly in developed and even developing countries visioning has been an initial step for planning. The purpose of visioning development is to focus on potential, opportunities and rural issues. Indeed, every community has its own unique history, geography, and development trajectory. Vision is an activity that citizens and stakeholders decide to create a common vision of the future of their community and also that is interactive and participatory process. Successful rural community development demands an integrated and comprehensive approach to identify opportunities, constraints and social expectations. In the Hazarjarib rural area, Diversity of environment is dominant; therefore, achieving development is a comprehensive understanding of the local level. Despite of its capacities and resources, it has not succeeded in stabilizing its true status in the country's economy. it moves on the path to non-development, in which the acceleration of poverty overcomes development. So this study is aimed to identify effective factors in providing a development visioning plan. Key question in this project: what are effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan in the Hazarjarib rural Area? Methodology the Present study surveys Effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan Hazarjarib rural Area. This is an applied research and uses descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected through fieldwork and library study, Questionnaires and interviews. The statistical population has included of 2 groups, the councils of 152 villages with 10605 households and experts 35 people. Sampling is done in two parts. The first part, Questionnaires, interview with the local expert and stakeholders, the total number is counted. In the experts part; use purposive sampling. In data analysis, Durbin- Watson tests, Regression, path analysis and Pearson correlation were used in SPSS software. Results and Discussion A) Effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan The results showed that the factors were identified in two categories: capacities and Barriers. Capacities include rural tourism attractions, agricultural sector capabilities and human capital and Barriers include Structural and planning constraints, institutional and administrative constraints, the weakness of local and institutional management, the weakness of the law, neglect of the agricultural sector, and economic and social problems. B) Effective mechanism in providing a development visioning plan Among the set of effective factors, obstacles including Institutional inefficiency, neglect of agricultural sector, planning and structural constraints and economic problems with impact factor -0.597, 0.413, 0.346 and -23.3, have The most direct and significant effective on providing a development visioning plan. Also Lack of local and institutional management, weaknesses in laws and social problems has indirect effects. Among these factors, agricultural capabilities and rural tourism attractions has a direct impact on the rural development program with impact factor -0.395 and -0.300. Mentioned factors, in addition to direct effectiveness, they are indirectly affected in providing a development visioning plan. Due to High number of obstacles, they have shown their direct effects negatively. This means that, without removing the barriers, capacities can also have a diminishing and negative effect on the preparation of visioning plan. Capacities and capabilities will play a positive role in providing development visioning plan, As long as, Constraints of structural planning system, local management and agricultural sector problems and issues related to them to be solved. Conclusion Existence of a development vision program based on local participation and using existing ecological talents and abilities, it causes indigenous development. Also neglected to prepare the program, it led to Unequal Development, Economic and social injustice, migration, and so on. , As long as these barriers are not resolved in the preparation of a vision plan, any planning and preparation of a program for development and long-term goals will be inefficient and ineffective.
Rural Planning
Sedighe Kiani salmai; Saeed Abbasian,
Introduction In rural areas, tourism as one of the most popular forms of tourism can, lead to economic growth and the diversification of rural activities, on the other hand, by attracting human resource surpluses, to create employment and generate income for villagers, thus giving them an opportunity ...
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Introduction In rural areas, tourism as one of the most popular forms of tourism can, lead to economic growth and the diversification of rural activities, on the other hand, by attracting human resource surpluses, to create employment and generate income for villagers, thus giving them an opportunity to develop All-round. In recent years and in line with tourism development in rural districts, study of the effect and action of rural tourism has been a productive domain for interdisciplinary research. One of the subjects is investigating the tourism effects on empowerment of rural societies. Accordingly, aim of the study is to investigate the role and the effect of rural tourism on empowering of local society in social, cultural and economic aspects in villages of central district of Natanz. Methodology The study is an applied research and from the point of view of the method and nature, it is a descriptive-analytic one. The method of collecting the data was a combination of library and field methods. Data collecting tool is a researcher made questionnaire including 85 general and special questions. Validity of the tool is face validity and was confirmed by experts and also was structural by means of factor analysis and its reliability was set by Cronbach’s Alpha about 0.854. Statistical population of the study were the rural inhabitants of central district of Natanz (N=4046). The sample size was 354 people according to Morgan table. Statistical analyses were conducted by SPSS software, Binominal tests, chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, T student, Fisher, Manova, Anova, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The Maps was made by ArcGIS software. Results and discussion The results show that the average of general empowerment in tourism villages with amount of 3.34 is in a higher place than non-tourism villages with general empowerment average of 3.15. The results of T-test, according to the average amounts of the sample 3.48 and 3.34 for cultural empowerment and social empowerment respectively and high amounts of T student 11.574 and 8.280 which were the result in zero for the assumed significant level of zero, confirm the effect of tourism on cultural and social empowerment in level of 0.05. Level of significant of 0.155 for tourism effect on economic empowerment aspect, has denied the effect of tourism on this aspect. Also, the statistical amount of empowerment comparison in Fisher test is 5.967 with freedom degrees of 1 and 298 in form of triple aspects among tourism and non-tourism villages. Hence, the difference between general empowerment among tourism and non-tourism villages is significant. Zero amounts of significant level for Wilcoxon tests among empowerment aspects show that these aspects have significant differences two by two. Consequently, cultural empowerment with average of 3.484 is in the highest level and economic empowerment with average of 2.98 is in the lowest level. The results of clustering the variables demonstrate that cultural and social aspects are closer to each other based on conceptual theme. Conclusion According to the findings, empowerment status is better in tourist villages. In general, cultural empowerment is most and economic empowerment is the least. It seems that the situation with regard to economic empowerment seems not to be favorable; especially the investment empowerment has a bad situation. In fact, the presence of the tourist, although beneficial in terms of employment and income, was not as effective in the field of investment (as a more radical variable).The lack of meaningful economic effects of tourism on the part of the local community is due to the fact that the villagers expected to receive direct and tangible income from tourism and less attention to its multiplier effects. In any case, social and cultural empowerment in both types of villages is at a higher level than economic empowerment.According to the results of the research, setting up and providing legal support for private sector investment in tourism development in the studied villages, Development of basic skills for employment in the tourism sector in cooperation with the technical and vocational organization with the aim of creating job opportunities and income generation, Training on entrepreneurial skills with a native-oriented approach, Teaching social and communication skills to communicate with tourists and influential institutions in tourism, Recognizing and introducing the attractions of rural tourism using mass media, social networks, Cyberspace and interaction with tourism agencies, supporting cultural and local patterns and values as the main capital for tourism development, Increasing the knowledge and knowledge about tourism and holding local and regional ceremonies and celebrations with a tourist attraction approach can deepen the tourism impacts of the study in the study area and lead to rural development.
Rural Planning
asadollah heidari; Mostafa Taleshei
Volume 23, Issue 70 , March 2020, , Pages 189-206
One of the consequences of the instability of Settlement System in local- regional spaces is the functional - spatial disability of rural and urban settlements in the in creating the settlement connection through a effective spatial network. In many of the geographical areas in the country, the ...
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One of the consequences of the instability of Settlement System in local- regional spaces is the functional - spatial disability of rural and urban settlements in the in creating the settlement connection through a effective spatial network. In many of the geographical areas in the country, the patterns of economic activity based settlement system network is formed that due to negligence of the cognition and analysis of structural-functional of this local networks, urban and rural settlements instability is escalated. in the rural areas of Hashtrood and Charoymaq (macro-region of Azerbaijan), the local-regional network is creating, based on the production and processing of milk products. For cognition and structural -functional analysis of this product in settlements relationships and spatial flows, 119 dairy workhouses, 269 rural settlements and 5 urban settlements was evaluated. The research method of this research is the combination of descriptive – analytical Data sampling method was the snowball method and data analyzed through NodeXL and GIS software. The results showed that relationships and flows of the milk production network in the hurdles in realm faced the barrier and in Reciprocity extra-regional centers is interactive and complementary. Based on the reciprocital of relations, Degree centrality, Between ness centrality and Eigenvector centrality of the Bostan Abad city outside the studied areas recognized as the main node in the network structure of the studied region’s milk and following this, was the urban centers of Tabriz, Maragheh, Ghareaghaj and Hashtrood and ganjine ketab rural with a significant difference. Sustainable pattern of local-regional network in the mentioned metropolitan area can be achieved with modification in the functional structure of urban and rural settlements through the functional allocation of activities and
Rural Planning
Aliakbar Anabestani; Mohammad Jvansheri; Omolbanein Harati
Volume 23, Issue 70 , March 2020, , Pages 249-277
Todays, rural managing plans are the most important tools of the management of rural development. After more than three decades, from the beginning of the implementation of such plans in rural areas of the country and to acquire experience, it is necessary to know that such plans for rural community ...
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Todays, rural managing plans are the most important tools of the management of rural development. After more than three decades, from the beginning of the implementation of such plans in rural areas of the country and to acquire experience, it is necessary to know that such plans for rural community of the country, has had what results and outcomes. This article, take notice the evaluation of amount of realization of suggested usages and then the amount of adaption of this usages in the implementation phase of project with the map of approved usages of this plan in the vilages of khaf County. For estimating the amount of realization of suggested usage of managing rural plans was used. A compilation of approved suggested map of studied villages in 2001 –2003 and the map of their status quo in the current year 2013. In this article, research method is descriptive– analytical and for data collection was used of field and documentary methods. Search finding, was ArcGIS and also preparation and analysis of all plans by using software shows that the highest percentage of realization is related to sport usage with 87.8 percent and the lowest is related to green space with 12.1 percent of realization. Also the lowest adaptability of suggested usages is related to Sedeh village with 71.8 percent of adaption and highest is related to Khergerd village with 99.3 percent. In the field of becoming operational of suggested usage, regarding the implementation just 53 percent of area of suggested usage, we can conclude that in these village's has been poor. But this same running area had the necessary adaption with the usages of suggested plan.
Rural Planning
eslam beshkar; javad bazr afshan; mehrshad toulabi nejad
Volume 23, Issue 69 , December 2019, , Pages 41-64
Local community support in tourism development is an important factor for community-based management and tourism marketing; and play a crucial role in developing tourism and, therefore, households’ livelihoods. The aim of this study is to evaluate the local community supporting of coastal tourism ...
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Local community support in tourism development is an important factor for community-based management and tourism marketing; and play a crucial role in developing tourism and, therefore, households’ livelihoods. The aim of this study is to evaluate the local community supporting of coastal tourism and its impact on sustainable livelihoods of border villages. This article, from objective point of view is functional type and its method is combined-like (qualitative and quantitative). A questionnaire is the data collection tool which is used. The statistical population consists of village households on coastal border areas of chabahar county (N=3441). 345 households was chosen by Cochran formula and by means of simple random sampling. To analyze the data, first we assessed amount of local peoples’ supporting of tourism, in the next step, to investigate the effects of each aspects of local communities supporting for tourism development we used path analysis, and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) to investigate linear relation between tourism development and sustainable livelihoods, and to evaluate the effects of tourism development on sustainable livelihoods, Cramer's V correlation coefficient was used. The findings showed the perceived benefits of tourism and the sense of place belonging are so important factors which affect the level of supporting of tourism development. Reviewing the findings of relationship between tourism development and sustainable livelihoods show that there is a statistically significant relationship between these two variances; and the greatest impact of tourism development is related to economic sustainability and the least impact of it is related to social sustainability. Therefore, it can be said that with counting local residents’ views and make them participate in decision-making and tourist management can develop tourism and this consequently leads to sustainable livelihoods of rural households.
Rural Planning
hamdollah sajasi geidari; reyhaneh saadati
Volume 23, Issue 69 , December 2019, , Pages 105-126
Rural youth migration can Underlie different economic, social and ecological crisis in both migration origin and destinations. Increase Satisfaction of life, considered as an important way to reduce the rate of youth migration. Accordingly; the present study aimed to investigate the affecting factors ...
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Rural youth migration can Underlie different economic, social and ecological crisis in both migration origin and destinations. Increase Satisfaction of life, considered as an important way to reduce the rate of youth migration. Accordingly; the present study aimed to investigate the affecting factors on rural youth Place belonging. To do this and reaching to the research goal; descriptive - analytical methodology based on documentary study and survey through questionnaires was used. The sample consisted of 127 rural households (Focused on the youth of each family) of Neishabour Fazl rural district. To collect data; Stratified random sampling and the questionnaire based on 4 dimensions’ components and indicators used. Instrument reliability was approved by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0/944). By considering T-test results, the findings indicated that all investigated components were significant at the alpha level 0/05, and the average is higher than the theoretical one. The highest average was referred to economic component with rural employment and living expenses indicators. The regression results confirmed the T-test results, and based on the obtained Beta, it was shown that the economic component has the most effect on rural youth Place belonging. Based on COPRAS Model; the highest level of rural youth Place belonging referred to Adg village.
Rural Planning
Mohammad Zaheri; Mousa Vaezi; akbar Esmaili; habil khorrami; tohid ahmadi
Volume 23, Issue 69 , December 2019, , Pages 143-173
Considering the importance of drinking water in the rural areas, identifying and paying more attention to the factors concerning wasteful and improper consumption of water would be an appropriate approach to pinpoint the hazardous risks in this regard. This article, investigates the status of drinking ...
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Considering the importance of drinking water in the rural areas, identifying and paying more attention to the factors concerning wasteful and improper consumption of water would be an appropriate approach to pinpoint the hazardous risks in this regard. This article, investigates the status of drinking water in Tabriz villages and identifies the effective factors on water consumption and also determines the weight impact of each one. Finally it prioritizes the factors and provides strategies for optimal management of drinking water consumption in the villages of the county. The results obtained from the field treatment information with 1320 questionnaires filled by the consumers, 28 experts, 44 villages in addition with undergoing factor analysis and cluster analysis suggest that elements such as management, cultural, health, welfare, technological, legal, economical, psychological, and social factors . are among the most important ones behind the improper consumption of drinking water. According to the analysis model, after identifying the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities, four strategies are recommended. These are 15 defensive strategies, 8 competitive strategies, 23 review strategies and 14 diversity strategies. Furthermore, the content an face validity of the research tool used for this research was reviewed and confirmed by professional the reliability of questionnaires was also confirmed by using Cronbach's alpha in the preliminary study with a sample size of 82 individuals and value of 0/71. The various internal and external weaknesses and threats, reasons and causes of wasteful consumption in the field of water consumption are far more than of its internal and external strengths and opportunities. This indicates the low threshold of vulnerability of this city in terms of regional development in the area of drinking water therefore it is necessary to exploit defensive and review strategies to address the issues of the weaknesses and threatening risks of the region
Rural Planning
ahmad roumiani; Tahere saddlebag; Soroush Sanaei Moghaddam
Volume 23, Issue 68 , September 2019, , Pages 135-156
Public places in villages are belonging to all the people and they are built to provide needs of having relationship among people. That’s why nowadays these kinds of places must have a great role in planning of rural areas and by that they would be able to improve the level of happiness and wealth ...
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Public places in villages are belonging to all the people and they are built to provide needs of having relationship among people. That’s why nowadays these kinds of places must have a great role in planning of rural areas and by that they would be able to improve the level of happiness and wealth among people in all economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects. Therefore, the main abject of this project would be analyzing the needs of the people from this kind of public places in the study area. Research method is of descriptive-analysis based on field research and observations and it’s a functional project. Statistic community is habitants of Dehdasht gharbi of kohkilouye province which includes over 1460 households in the region. Among these 1460 families we chose randomly 226 samples using Cochran formula with 0.06 percent risk of error. For analyzing data, we have used freedman and correlation tests. The results of the freedman showed that indicators; comfort, pleasure and conservation have allocated themselves the most part of the periodization with amounts of 7.26, 4.90 and 3.78 respectively. On the other hand, results of the multiple regression tests showed that most of the correlation is between environmental skeletal and social vitality with amount of 0.372 and 0.275 respectively and these indicators have had great influence on other indicators as well.
Rural Planning
Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh; alireza azhdar por; mohammad sharif sharif zadeh
Volume 23, Issue 67 , April 2019, , Pages 173-195
This research aimed to identify factor influencing on immigration decision among rural people of Zabol County. Descriptive analytical research method based on questionnaire survey was used. The target population includes 26034 of rural households in Zabol County, and using Cochran formula 170 households ...
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This research aimed to identify factor influencing on immigration decision among rural people of Zabol County. Descriptive analytical research method based on questionnaire survey was used. The target population includes 26034 of rural households in Zabol County, and using Cochran formula 170 households selected as samples of this research. A questionnaire was used in order to collect data and its face and content validity was verified based on comments from faculty members and local experts and its reliability was confirmed according to calculate Cronbach's alpha for immigration tendency (0.75), urban attractions (0.83) and rural repulsion (0.91). The results of path analysis showed that variables “education” (with path coefficient 0.691) have most impact on final dependent variable immigration tendency. Variables such “income (-0.511)” “destination attraction (0.463)”, “origin repulsion (0.373)”, “land ownership (-0.363)”, “gender for men (0.308)”, “Job situation for employees (-0.274)”, “staying time (-0.240)” and “marriage situation for married person (0.1207)”, “local organization membership (-0.150)”, “immigration of family member (0.093)”, “age (-0.072) and “family member (-0.068) are in next rank.
Rural Planning
Aliakbar Anabestani; Lida Alizadeh
Volume 23, Issue 67 , April 2019, , Pages 223-243
The realization of health requires a healthy environment and appropriate social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions, so that the understanding of the nature and dimensions of health and its determinants and effects on the one hand, and action to promote it in rural areas on the other hand ...
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The realization of health requires a healthy environment and appropriate social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions, so that the understanding of the nature and dimensions of health and its determinants and effects on the one hand, and action to promote it in rural areas on the other hand and in The ultimate relief from the cycle of poverty is undeniable, which can play an important role in the sustainability of rural areas and in improving the health of the villagers. For this purpose, a sample of 140 villagers who were referred to hospitals and health centers of Sabzevar city was selected randomly and available. 100 subjects completed the questionnaire. To identify the effective factors, 33 variables have been discussed in the form of four indicators of effective factors. Correlation method was used to analyze the data and for the internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha coefficients. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between rural poverty and referral to the treatment centers of Sabzevar, with a correlation of 0.729 and a significant level (0.000), as well as the results of route analysis, between the variable referring to health centers and other indicators There is a meaningful relationship. The results of this analysis indicate that all of the variable parameters are referred to the hospital with a meaningful relationship.
Rural Planning
Seyed Ali Badri; Masoud Anbarlo; zahra malek jafariyan
Volume 22, Issue 66 , January 2019, , Pages 67-94
Rural managers and study of their performance in rural development is one the important topics of rural management. Using public cooperation and participation, rural managers have attempted to eliminate pubic needs, collect garbage, provide public services, and develop pathways. Choosing and explaining ...
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Rural managers and study of their performance in rural development is one the important topics of rural management. Using public cooperation and participation, rural managers have attempted to eliminate pubic needs, collect garbage, provide public services, and develop pathways. Choosing and explaining components and indicators of research were conducted according to the related literature. So that five components and forty indices were assessed. for effective component (rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations) and impressionable component (desirable rural management). The statistical society of this study include 60 Rural Manager from under study area. The research tools were validated based on experts’ opinions and durability of questionnaire was determined and validated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. There was a positive and meaningful relationship between rural managers awareness level of rural rules and regulations, and desirable rural management; furthermore, there was such a relationship between rural managers awareness level of social rules and regulations and desirable social rural management as well as between rural managers awareness level of economic rules and regulations and desirable economic management of villages. Actually, the results of research showed that the development level of villages have influence on increment of rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations and enhancement of desirable rural management. Thus, paying attention to rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations is a priority for rural managers empowerment in local management, desirable rural management and development level of villages, and leads to enhancement of existing potentials of rural residences. Indeed, the enhancement and improvement of rural development indicators and enhancement of rural managers awareness of functional rules and regulations must be considered by policy-makers and planners of rural development as one of the effective strategies and the required background and infrastructure for realization of it must be provided.
Rural Planning
mehrshad toulabi nejad; sirous ghanbari; mohsen shayan
Volume 22, Issue 66 , January 2019, , Pages 163-185
Social capital is a key factor in the sustainable development of rural sustainable development and the social dimension of sustainable development in different regions, regardless of social capital and social and economic welfare of rural households is not possible. In this article using the study questionnaire ...
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Social capital is a key factor in the sustainable development of rural sustainable development and the social dimension of sustainable development in different regions, regardless of social capital and social and economic welfare of rural households is not possible. In this article using the study questionnaire on the role of social capital on economic and social welfare of rural households in rural in Eastern Miyankoh has been investigated. In this study, the lack of population (514 households), 103 households using the Cochran formula (12 villages) were selected as sample.The results of the analysis based on data Analysis of the correlation coefficient, Mauritius shows the relationship between social capital and welfare households in the study area quite significant and social participation index greatest impact on the social and economic welfare of households in the district had studied.
Rural Planning
Vahid Riyahi; farhad javan
Volume 22, Issue 65 , November 2018, , Pages 183-203
During recent years, Iran’s rural settlements have a particular distribution pattern according to the environmental and socio-economic forces. Among the geographical factors play an important role in the deployment and distribution of rural settlements, Some of these factors can be have a more ...
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During recent years, Iran’s rural settlements have a particular distribution pattern according to the environmental and socio-economic forces. Among the geographical factors play an important role in the deployment and distribution of rural settlements, Some of these factors can be have a more effective role than other factors, This study aimed to evaluate the role of geographical factors in the distribution of rural settlements in the Zanjan county in order to determine more important factor or factors than other factors. Also, the zoning map of rural areas prepared in three different types of deployment in rural communities with suitable, relatively suitable and unsuitable seat. In order to achieve this goal, 8 natural factors, including rivers, fault, rainfall, temperature, evaporation, elevation, slope, lithology, selected as factors in deployment of rural settlements. In the study, maps of factors digitally prepared by using Arc GIS software and then weighted by using AHP model in Expert Choice software. The results show that 31% of rural settlements in Zanjan county, with 103 villages, have suitable deployment pattern, 149 villages (45%) have relatively suitable, and 81 villages (24%) are located in a pattern of unsuitable deployment, that almost all of them were located in the northeast of the county. Hence, attention to safety planning and crisis management in rural settlements, with unsuitable position, is very essential.
Rural Planning
Mostafa Taleshi; Kumars Khodapanah; Mohsen Aghayari Hir
Volume 22, Issue 64 , September 2018, , Pages 169-188
Rural development programs are part of the country's development plans that are used to transform the socio-economic development of the rural community. This is becoming more pronounced among Third World countries, where governments play a major role in restructuring society in order to coordinate with ...
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Rural development programs are part of the country's development plans that are used to transform the socio-economic development of the rural community. This is becoming more pronounced among Third World countries, where governments play a major role in restructuring society in order to coordinate with specific political and economic objectives. Therefore, rural development goals are not limited to one section, but rather improvements in productivity, increase Employment, food security, housing and education and health.Sustainable development is one of the most important and most effective economic instruments to achieve the desired level of growth and movement towards productive and trusted economies, which refers to the transformation of economic, social, cultural and environmental sustainability for the long-term welfare of the whole society. In this regard, one of the ways to move towards sustainable development in the current situation of villages is to pay attention to tourism. Tourism has many branches and species. One of its kinds is rural tourism, which includes a wide range of attractions and activities defined in agricultural or non-urban areas and competes with other tourism sectors such as coastal and urban tourism. According to the above, the current research is conducted with the general purpose of measuring and assessing the sustainability levels of rural areas around tourism centers in Ardebil and seeking to answer this question. What is the level of sustainability of rural development in the tourism centers of Ardebil?
Rural Planning
javad Bazrafshan; Mohsen Shayan; Sajjad Bazvand
The sustainable housing Indexs as a plan and a necessary tools have prominent role in rural housing planning for explaining the sustainability of various dimensions such as social, economic and physical of housing. Therefore, supplement of a plan in the sector of rural sustainable housing is required ...
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The sustainable housing Indexs as a plan and a necessary tools have prominent role in rural housing planning for explaining the sustainability of various dimensions such as social, economic and physical of housing. Therefore, supplement of a plan in the sector of rural sustainable housing is required to both recognition and analysis of both various dimensions and components of sustainable housing. So, this paper aims to recognize and analyze the effective factors upon rural housing sustainability and for this goal, the rural area of rurals township of zarindasht has been selected. The method of the research is descriptive-analytic, correlation and the approach is integrated. The statistical population of the research is the households of rurals township of zarindasht. The sample size for the designed questionnaire is determined300 residents using Cochran’s formula and the method of sampling is occasional. The obtained coefficient from Cochran’s formula is 0/74 percent which indicates the high reliability of the research tool. The obtained results from analyzes of the SPSS software show that the five factors of facility - and welfare, economic, building strength, efficiency and harmony with the environment are able to explain 82 percent of the indicators variances of the research and consideration to these factors in the rural housing planning are necessary.
Rural Planning
Manije Ahmadi
Now a day, environmental crisis resulting from uncontrolled human intervention has caused ideas on human interaction with the environment and also the concept of ethics and its importance in the preservation and optimal utilization of the environment considered by researchers. Due to this, the need of ...
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Now a day, environmental crisis resulting from uncontrolled human intervention has caused ideas on human interaction with the environment and also the concept of ethics and its importance in the preservation and optimal utilization of the environment considered by researchers. Due to this, the need of evaluation of the current human approaches towards nature regarding moral and ethical aspects will be emphasized. The existing study was conducted to analyze the effects of social capital in rural environmental ethics. Type of research is applied and its nature and method is Descriptive-Analysis. Data collection method is library and fieldwork (questionnaire) and data analysis was done by using descriptive (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (chi-square and linear regression). Population of The study were, Chaypareh Bala villagers of Zanjan city: 15022 people inhabitants in 3584 households in the 1390 census. Analysis Unit is rural households who are living in the village, in order to plan internal consistency and reliability of indicators, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.86. The results indicate, there is a statistically significant difference among independent variable social capital and dependent variable environmental ethics. Investigations of existing study show, based on social capital a significant difference obtained in rural environmental ethics and there is a direct relationship between them. So, we can say that with increase social capital, the environmental ethics increase too.
Rural Planning
Tahere Sadeglou; Sorayya Azizi
Nowadays, awareness of rural facilities and cul de sacs and analyzing them in rural development planning process is so important and had been counted as necessities of designing the development plans and projects. In this order, varied projects had been applied in form of rural development plans that ...
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Nowadays, awareness of rural facilities and cul de sacs and analyzing them in rural development planning process is so important and had been counted as necessities of designing the development plans and projects. In this order, varied projects had been applied in form of rural development plans that a rural housing renovation and improvement project is one of recent and also important type of them. This plan began from 1989 by agricultural Jihad ministry and for achieving to such purposes like: providing the suitable, safe and strong house for rural community. But it’s obvious that the effect of these kinds of projects don’t limited to scarce purpose of rural environment development and its impacts on rural environmental quality will be appearance in a long time. This study tried to assessing the effect of rural housing renovation and improvement projects on the rural environmental quality in Houmeh Dehestan from Shirvan township rural districts that contain 22 rural points. In this study had been used of analyzing – descriptive methodology in type of field study research. Sample size of study also had been chosen from rural housing loan recipients that through of Cochran formula are 203 families and selected by random. After questionnaire designing and confirming the validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha (80%), data were analyzed in SPSS and that result show these project had a considerable effects on all indexes of rural environmental quality and economic dimension with total effect about 0.659 has the greatest impact and social dimension with total effect about 0.450 has less impact on the environmental quality of case study rural area.