نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران

2 استادیار گروه شهرسازی ، دانشکده فنی و مهندسی، دانشگاه آزاداسلامی، واحد سنندج، شهر سنندج، ایران.


یکی از چالش‌های اساسی بافت مرکزی اغلب شهرها عدم هماهنگی میان ساختارهای فضایی و الگوهای رفتاری است. مقاله حاضر به تحلیل ارتباط بین استخوان بندی فضایی و پارامترهای یکپارچگی، پیوستگی، میزان عمق و کنترل فضایی در فضاهای شهری در بافت مرکزی شهر کرمانشاه پرداخته است. این پژوهش با روش توصیفی و با رویکردی کمی صورت گرفته است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار Depth Map و Arc GIS استفاده شده است. در مرحله اول نقشه های محوری از طریق ماژول AxialGenClientInstall در نرم افزار Arc Map تهیه شدند. و سپس این نقشه‌های محوری به داخل نرم افزار دبس مپ وارد شده و مؤلفه‌های پیکره‌بندی نظیر یکپارچگی با شعاع‌های کلان و محلی، پیوستگی، عمق فضایی، وضوح فضایی و کنترل محاسبه شدند. نتایج تحلیل گراف‌ها و نقشه‌های صورت گرفته در این دو نرم افزار نشان می‌دهد که میزان یکپارچگی برخی از خیابان‌ها نظیر خیابان مدرس از درجه بالایی برخوردار است. این خیابان‌ها در ساخت اسکلت اصلی شهر نقش بسیار بارزی ایفا می‌کند.ثانیاً از نظر تاریخی و هویتی نقشی پر اهمیت دارند. در واقع خیابانهایی که از درجه یکپارچگی بالایی برخوردارند. طبق مشاهدات عینی از محورهای پیاده بافت محسوب می‌شوند. جاذب‌های فضایی نظیر کاربری‌های عمده با ارزش فرهنگی و تاریخی در طول این محورها واقع شده‌اند. نتایج محاسبات نرم افزار در کل بافت نشان می‌دهد که یکپارچگی و پیوستگی در محورهای اصلی بافت از درجه بالاتر و در محورهای فرعی و بافت‌های حاشیه‌ای از درجه پایین‌تری برخورار هستند. یکپارچگی پایین در محدوده با وضعیت جدا افتادگی محلات رابطه مستقیمی دارد. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که روش چیدمان فضا از توانایی بالایی در تحلیل فضاهای شهری برخوردار است، و خروجی های مدل پایه مناسبی برای برنامه ریزی و طراحی شهری محسوب می‌گردد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis of the role of spatial configuration in the integration and cohesion of urban spaces using Space Syntax method (Case study: Central texture of Kermanshah)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mostafa Shahinifar 1
  • Farzin Charehjoo 2

1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Prof, Department of Urban Planning, engineering and technical faculty, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch , Sanandaj city, I.R.Iran

چکیده [English]

The urban environment is a complex system that includes various physical and social elements. The complexity of the interaction between the physical and social structure of cities has led urban designers to use different methods to explore these relationships. In urban spaces, many variables are involved in the spatial integrity of cities. Accurate definition and calculation of these variables and evaluation of their relationship are the concerns of urban planners. The main question that this research seeks to answer is what is the relationship between the physical structure of cities and the pattern of natural movement and the level of space use. In fact, the logic that this research seeks is how the relationship between the body of the city and its function is crystallized through natural movement in the city. Obtaining a common understanding of the relationship between urban form and structure with urban outcome and performance is an issue that this study seeks to test in the central context of Kermanshah. Despite the fact that the project of improving and renovating old and worn-out structures has been one of the executive priorities of development projects in the city of Kermanshah during the last two decades, but these plans are only descriptive and lack the appropriate methodology, and weakness in their methodological and theoretical basis has led to their failure in practice. The lack of belief in these plans to establish a link between this context and the urban structure is one of the main reasons for the failure and weaknesses of these plans. In fact, choosing the method of arranging the space by quantifying the qualitative characteristics of the city structure is a new step towards evaluating the structure of the central texture of Kermanshah.
The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and a descriptive research in terms of nature and method. the method of data collection is of two types: field and documentary. to analyze the data after determining and introducing the parameters of the layout of the space that affects the outdoor activities of the city, First, the axial map of the central part of the city has been prepared through the Axial Map module in Arc GIS software, In the drawing of axial lines, the principle has been to draw the least lines to cover each space in the first place. the second principle was to draw lines that did not cross lines over buildings, and the next principle is to connect all the lines to the axes from which the lines are branched. And if necessary have crossed those axes. Secondly, the desired pivot map is inserted into the UCL Depth map 10 software environment. and after turning it into a pivotal map, its various parameters such as, interconnection with different radii, connection, spatial depth, control, resolution, etc. have been calculated. In the next step, the desired map table was connected to the initial layer in Arch GIS software and other steps including: symbolism and preparation of outputs in this software were prepared with appropriate quality.
Results and Discussion
After recognizing and analyzing the spatial configuration features of the central texture of Kermanshah, in order to answer the research questions, the findings were discussed and explained. Spatial layout components were very effective as quantitative indicators in understanding the relationships between structural and social factors of cities. The most important indicator of space layout is the degree of interconnection. The value of this index is high in some of the streets that play a significant role in the construction of the main ossification of the city. Low interconnection in the area is directly related to the isolation status of some neighborhoods. The research findings show that the most connected axes are Modares Street (between the Grand Mosque and the municipal parking lot), Nawab Safavi, Motahhari and the southern part of Jalili Street. with their active walls, these streets allow a kind of natural movement and visual connection between people outside and activities inside the shops. this has encouraged pedestrians to continue to be present on the street and to be more sociable. The increasing sociability of these streets has led to the formation of social interactions and increased spatial attachment. Coherence, visual acuity, depth and control were other indicators that were analyzed. Briefly analyzes graphs and graphs of control, depth, continuity, and visibility indices the organic tissues that are enclosed within the neighborhoods are in a more unfavorable situation compared to other axes, especially the main axes of the region. it is noteworthy that the application of the results of this study in addition to recognizing urban spaces in an integrated way can lead to the predictability of movement patterns in urban spaces.
This study developed a quantitative spatial arrangement method to analyze the parameters of integration and cohesion of urban spaces. the results showed that there is a significant relationship between the physical structure and the type of urban activities. the central fabric of Kermanshah has played an extra-urban and trans-regional role as the main skeleton of the city in recent centuries. the commercial center of the city and valuable historical and cultural elements are located in this section and as a space attraction, it has attracted many of the main functions of the city. Scientific understanding of the relationship between spatial construction and social patterns in this area has increased the importance of this issue due to its direct impact on other urban sectors. So far, studies on this context have been conducted based on productive approaches and using statistics on the quantity and quality of uses. An example of such studies is the plan to improve and renovate the central fabric of Kermanshah. Although these studies have provided a statistical basis for further studies, they have failed to address the qualitative study and the deep relationships between spatial structure and social patterns and how space is used using natural motion theory due to the quantitative approach. but through this approach, the ability to deeply understand the spatial structure in order to use space effectively is possible.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "Configuration"
  • " integration"
  • " connectivity"
  • " space Syntax"
  • " Kermanshah city"
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