Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic member at the University of Tabriz

2 Faculty of Architecture, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran

3 Tabriz University

4 University of Tabriz, Iran

5 University of Tabriz



Problems caused by climate change are one of the most important environmental crises and threats of human society, especially in urban environments. In the city of Tabriz and in recent years, due to the growth of the population, a lot of migration from other cities, traffic, the development of industries and production centers have caused an increase in the production and distribution of pollutants. Based on this, in this research, attention has been paid to the evaluation of the quality of dust occurrence in the years 2019 and 2018. The concentration of dust particles in different areas of the studied places varies depending on the geographical location, topographical, climatic conditions and also their origin, both internal and external. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of laboratory results and field studies, in the Tabriz region and during the research period, the concentration of lead metal in dust is moderate for adults and severe for children, and the risk of mercury metal for both the elderly and children. It has been intense. The adverse effects of cadmium metal have been very severe in children and adults. On the other hand, the high air temperature in the city center and the formation of thermal islands in it causes local winds from the suburbs to the city center. With the transfer of pollution from the suburbs to the city center by these winds, the pollution situation in the city center also increases.


Problems caused by climate change are one of the most important environmental crises and threats of human society, especially in urban environments. In the city of Tabriz and in recent years, due to the growth of the population, a lot of migration from other cities, traffic, the development of industries and production centers have caused an increase in the production and distribution of pollutants. Based on this, in this research, attention has been paid to the evaluation of the quality of dust occurrence in the years 2019 and 2018. The concentration of dust particles in different areas of the studied places varies depending on the geographical location, topographical, climatic conditions and also their origin, both internal and external. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of laboratory results and field studies, in the Tabriz region and during the research period, the concentration of lead metal in dust is moderate for adults and severe for children, and the risk of mercury metal for both the elderly and children. It has been intense. The adverse effects of cadmium metal have been very severe in children and adults. On the other hand, the high air temperature in the city center and the formation of thermal islands in it causes local winds from the suburbs to the city center. With the transfer of pollution from the suburbs to the city center by these winds, the pollution situation in the city center also increases.


Main Subjects

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