Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. of Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

2 Assistan Professor of Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University



The sampling method in the current research was purposeful, and using the snowball technique, 18 people were identified as experts in the field of ecotourism. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used (based on the conceptual framework of the research and the 5 subsections mentioned about service quality) and SPSS, Expert Choice and GIS software were used for data analysis. The results of the Delphi section, which was conducted for the consensus of experts, indicated that the acceptance of tourism business owners in responding quickly to customer requests, providing prescribed services at the promised time, the necessary knowledge and awareness of employees to answer customer questions, paying attention to words The customer and establishing sincere communication and using the right equipment in providing services can be the most important priorities for providing high-quality services, also the findings showed that the cities of "Shahrkord, Ben and Saman" and "Borujen" respectively with weighted values ​​of 0.336 and 0.274 The first and second priority ranks are in this field, and then Farsan, Kiar, Ardel, Kohrang, Khanmirza and Lordegan cities have been ranked; Finally, the results related to the interpolation section showed that the villages located in the east and northeast of the province have more talent in this field, and this share is less in the central and western areas of the province.


he sampling method in the current research was purposeful, and using the snowball technique, 18 people were identified as experts in the field of ecotourism. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used (based on the conceptual framework of the research and the 5 subsections mentioned about service quality) and SPSS, Expert Choice and GIS software were used for data analysis. The results of the Delphi section, which was conducted for the consensus of experts, indicated that the acceptance of tourism business owners in responding quickly to customer requests, providing prescribed services at the promised time, the necessary knowledge and awareness of employees to answer customer questions, paying attention to words The customer and establishing sincere communication and using the right equipment in providing services can be the most important priorities for providing high-quality services, also the findings showed that the cities of "Shahrkord, Ben and Saman" and "Borujen" respectively with weighted values ​​of 0.336 and 0.274 The first and second priority ranks are in this field, and then Farsan, Kiar, Ardel, Kohrang, Khanmirza and Lordegan cities have been ranked; Finally, the results related to the interpolation section showed that the villages located in the east and northeast of the province have more talent in this field, and this share is less in the central and western areas of the province.


Main Subjects

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