Research Paper
Urban Planning
Vahid Hosseinhaghi; Shahrivar Roostaei; Akbar AsghariZamani
Unfortunately, many of the warnings that were given regarding vandalism were ignored and now more than ever they need attention. Therefore, based on this, the aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the design of the urban environment, environmental and psychological quality of an ...
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Unfortunately, many of the warnings that were given regarding vandalism were ignored and now more than ever they need attention. Therefore, based on this, the aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the design of the urban environment, environmental and psychological quality of an individual with the occurrence of vandalistic behaviors. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between individual psychology, environmental quality and urban environment design with vandalistic behaviors (p < 0.05). These variables were able to explain 55% of the changes in vandalistic behaviors.Unfortunately, many of the warnings that were given regarding vandalism were ignored and now more than ever they need attention. Therefore, based on this, the aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the design of the urban environment, environmental and psychological quality of an individual with the occurrence of vandalistic behaviors. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between individual psychology, environmental quality and urban environment design with vandalistic behaviors (p < 0.05). These variables were able to explain 55% of the changes in vandalistic behaviors
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi; Rasoul Ghorbani; Leila Masoumi
Fluctuations in housing prices and the cost of its services are among the most important social and economic issues. In a society where housing is heavily commercialized; Housing policies, real estate market, social environment affect housing values. District 5 of Tehran is known as the development area ...
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Fluctuations in housing prices and the cost of its services are among the most important social and economic issues. In a society where housing is heavily commercialized; Housing policies, real estate market, social environment affect housing values. District 5 of Tehran is known as the development area of Tehran due to its high growth rate. This research aims to take an effective step in identifying the preferences of consumers while estimating the qualitative demand for housing. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze the factors affecting housing prices using geographic weighted regression in low-rise and high-rise buildings in District 5 of Tehran. The research method is based on documentary and survey studies. The sample size was estimated using Cochran's 758 formula. then the classified probability method has been used to select the samples; The results of the findings showed that among the low-rise buildings in North Ponk neighborhoods, Program Organization, Baharan, and among the high-rise buildings in Bagh Faiz, Faraz, Naft neighborhoods, they have a higher price range than other neighborhoods. Also, the results of (GWR) showed that the variables of the infrastructure, the age and age of the building, the number of bedrooms, quality materials, the distance to the nearest green space, the width of the passage, the traffic situation and security in common and having a balcony and terrace, the distance to the nearest street main, the distance to the nearest commercial centers and the level of greenness of the street in low-rise buildings and the location of the unit on the floor, having a parking lot, the direction of the building, the distance to the nearest public transportation station, the distance to the nearest chain stores and the level of pollution in high-rise buildings They have the greatest impact on increasing property prices.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Neda Darbandi; Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi; Rasoul Ghorbani
During the last three decades, indiscriminate and unprincipled exploitation of lands and changes in uses have caused different reactions of ecosystems. The metropolis of Tabriz is the capital of East Azarbaijan province, which has had an unbalanced and scattered growth during the last few decades, in ...
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During the last three decades, indiscriminate and unprincipled exploitation of lands and changes in uses have caused different reactions of ecosystems. The metropolis of Tabriz is the capital of East Azarbaijan province, which has had an unbalanced and scattered growth during the last few decades, in such a way that the uncontrolled expansion of the city has caused The destruction of the surrounding spaces and the departure of the city from its symmetrical and standard shape. Today, uneven growth and excessive expansion of the city is considered one of the problems of Tabriz metropolis. The method of the current research is applied-analytical by collecting information during a period of 25 years, i.e. 1375-1400 decade in document-library form, field survey in the form of referring to the relevant organizations and departments and using the ecological footprint calculation method. to the main question of the research, that is; "What effects have land use changes in the metropolis of Tabriz over a period of 25 years had on the environment and ecological capacity of Tabriz?" answer and provide solutions to improve the state of land changes and the ecological capacity of the city and the proportional distribution of the population in Tabriz metropolis. Among the results obtained in the present research is that the increase in the population growth rate and as a result the excessive expansion and development of the city during these years has caused an increase in land use changes, especially the conversion of agricultural and garden uses into settlements and residential areas. has been That this amount of changes is beyond the ecological capacity of Tabriz metropolis and requires careful and disciplined management. Otherwise, with the continuation of this type of challenge, the metropolis of Tabriz will suffer significant and irreversible crises and problems in the coming years.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Nader Ezadbin; Hassan Mahmoudzadeh; Rasoul Ghoebani
Today, political ecology; It is a pluralistic thought that includes everything that was once exclusively the focus of attention. One of the most important consequences of the rapid growth of urbanization and the physical development of the country's cities in recent decades has been ...
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Today, political ecology; It is a pluralistic thought that includes everything that was once exclusively the focus of attention. One of the most important consequences of the rapid growth of urbanization and the physical development of the country's cities in recent decades has been the disintegration of the distribution system of urban service centers, which has become the basis for the social inequality of citizens in enjoying these services.
Data and Method
The general population and housing census of 2015 and the map of Karaj metropolitan areas, statistical information on crime rate and addiction will be prepared and used from the police force organization; and the discussion of political ecology in the field of green spaces in the 1990s to 2023s will be investigated. In the field survey section, the opinions of experts will be used to determine the state of spatial justice of green space in the areas of Karaj metropolis.
Results and Discussion
Regions 8 and 11 have a high per capita population due to the small population and the large area of parks, the presence of family garden, apple garden, Fateh garden and small Iran. But other regions suffer from a severe lack of urban parks at the neighborhood to regional level, which requires proportional distribution according to the population of each region and taking into account the accepted standards in the field of per capita urban green spaces, especially parks. Parks should be done in the areas of Karaj city.
Another type of vegetation application is in the lands around the neighbourhood and its outskirts, which have been planted over the years by the municipality and the pastures and forestry organization. This covering has now formed the dominant natural appearance of the neighbourhood.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
shahrivar rostaei; rasoul ghorbani; maryam darabi
With rapid urbanization around the world and the pursuit of clean energy sources, green cities play an essential role in building a sustainable future for people. Urban green spaces provide a number of perceived benefits to human health and well-being, including overall improvement in quality of life. ...
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With rapid urbanization around the world and the pursuit of clean energy sources, green cities play an essential role in building a sustainable future for people. Urban green spaces provide a number of perceived benefits to human health and well-being, including overall improvement in quality of life. Based on this, the aim of this research is to analyze the environmental quality of urban public spaces in line with the development of green cities in District 7 of Tehran. For this purpose, 24 factors in 9 categories of carbon dioxide components; Energy ; Air ; Water ; wastage ; Transportation ; land use; Buildings and environmental management were identified and given to 30 experts and specialists in the form of a 24 x 24 matrix and with the help of a questionnaire and according to targeted sampling. Research findings show that 10 factors are key factors. In the meantime, green management plays a more important role in the indicators of the green city of the 7th district of Tehran and; population density ; Public contributions from green policies and number of unhealthy days are ranked next respectively.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
shahrivar rostaei; Rasoul Ghorbani; Hadis Bordbar
In the study, an attempt was made to extract the main factors and components that influence urban governance in the post-corona era by studying and reviewing domestic scholarly research articles, in order to then prioritize the aforementioned factors in a next step. Providing a conceptual framework for ...
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In the study, an attempt was made to extract the main factors and components that influence urban governance in the post-corona era by studying and reviewing domestic scholarly research articles, in order to then prioritize the aforementioned factors in a next step. Providing a conceptual framework for urban governance in the post-corona era is also considered a secondary objective of this research. This study is a documentary study and methodologically a qualitative survey study. The statistical population includes available articles published in valid domestic journals until the end of 2021 and relevant scientific databases were used for sampling. The innovation of the present study compared to previous and similar studies is that it takes a holistic and systematic view of urban governance studies and also examines urban governance research during the Corona era and afterwards using the qualitative meta-analysis method until the aforementioned method and the analysis of previous research has identified effective factors and components and prioritized them according to their importance. In relation to the most important factors and components affecting urban governance in the post-corona era, the results showed that the structural factor with three effective components (transparency, legality and justice-oriented) and the total score of the components is 21 in the first priority, the institutional factor with one effective component ( responsibility and accountability) and the total score of the components is 10 in the second priority, the individual factor with an effective component (citizen participation) and the total score of the components is 6 in the third priority, the cultural factor without having an effective component and with the total score of the components is 3 in the fourth priority and the spatial factor Also, without having an effective component and with a total score of 2 components, they are placed in the fifth priority.
Research Paper
vahideh abtahi; Saeed jahanbakhsh; hashem rostamzadeh; hasan lashkari
Heavy rainfall is considered one of the climatic features of precipitation that can occur in any climate, but its occurrence in arid and semi-arid climates, due to the lack of adequate and appropriate infrastructure, is associated with greater damage. These rains occur under different synoptic conditions. ...
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Heavy rainfall is considered one of the climatic features of precipitation that can occur in any climate, but its occurrence in arid and semi-arid climates, due to the lack of adequate and appropriate infrastructure, is associated with greater damage. These rains occur under different synoptic conditions. In this study, the role of atmospheric rivers in the formation of heavy rainfall has been investigated. For this purpose, heavy rainfall data from stations in the west and northwest of the country were extracted for a 33-year period. Then, precipitation systems were separated in conjunction with atmospheric rivers. In the next step, using weather maps and the troposphere's underlying layer levels, synoptic patterns that lead to the formation of atmospheric rivers were identified. The results showed that atmospheric rivers were responsible for heavy rainfall in the study area, following three general patterns. The Sudanese low-pressure pattern and the combined pattern of Sudanese low-pressure and Mediterranean cyclone were responsible for the most significant role in the formation of atmospheric rivers leading to heavy rainfall, respectively. In the Sudanese low-pressure pattern, two to three days earlier, a broad tongue of Siberian high pressure spreads over the warm waters of the Oman, Arabian, and Aden seas, passing through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the eastern part of Iran. This tongue, with the rotation of moisture, escapes from the Sudanese system. The Mediterranean trough deepens over western Asia and northeast Africa, and this moisture is strengthened along the southern currents and, by passing over the mountains,leads to the formation of atmospheric rivers. In the combined pattern, with the expansion of the Sudanese low-pressure tongue to the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia, the southern warm waters' moisture is released onto this region with the transport of moisture from the Mediterranean, it is strengthened, leading to the formation of atmospheric rivers.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Akbar Rahimi; Arman Rastkhadiv; Kasra Ketabollahi
In recent decades, urban population growth has led to an increased demand for food resources. In such a context, innovative approaches such as urban agriculture development have been proposed. The present study aims to investigate the trends in urban agricultural land changes within the boundaries of ...
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In recent decades, urban population growth has led to an increased demand for food resources. In such a context, innovative approaches such as urban agriculture development have been proposed. The present study aims to investigate the trends in urban agricultural land changes within the boundaries of Marivan city from 1972 to 2022. It seeks to assess the available land, potentials, and strategies for the development of urban green spaces based on urban agriculture principles. The research methodology employed a descriptive-analytical approach, utilizing Landsat satellite imagery for data collection. Radiometric and atmospheric corrections were applied, along with the NDVI index using ENVI software. After generating maps, the evolution of land use changes and the extent of available land for urban agriculture in the study area were examined for the year 2022. Furthermore, this research provides practical solutions and recommendations for the implementation of urban agriculture in Marivan city, based on its potential. A noteworthy aspect of this research is its intention to explore the suitability of land and potentials for urban agriculture in Marivan as a new model for developing urban green spaces. The results of the study indicate that urban agricultural lands have gradually decreased over various periods from 1972 to 2022 due to the city's growth and other human activities in peri-urban areas. However, as of 2022, approximately 2,799 hectares of land are available for urban agriculture, serving as a new model for the development of green urban spaces in Marivan. Several factors contribute to Marivan's success in maintaining agricultural lands and orchards in peri-urban areas. These factors include its favorable climate and geography, strategic location, proactive policies, water resource management, commercialization of agricultural products, prevailing economic conditions, and a substantial labor force. The region has experienced relative climatic stability, ensuring the sustainability of its agricultural lands and orchards.
Research Paper
Land use Planning
Hasan Masoudi; Davood Amini; Hamed Ebrahimi
Governments and societies have historically divided their territories into different regions and areas to better manage their land and preserve the territorial integrity of their country. This practice is now related to the concept of spatial planning, particularly "Territorial Zoning". Territorial ...
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Governments and societies have historically divided their territories into different regions and areas to better manage their land and preserve the territorial integrity of their country. This practice is now related to the concept of spatial planning, particularly "Territorial Zoning". Territorial Zoning aims to achieve cohesive management and the National Division of Labor, as well as utilize the potential of different regions to reduce territorial inequalities and imbalances. In Iran, Territorial Zoning has been implemented by various organizations over the past decades, with the most recent division into nine major regions in 2017. In this descriptive-analytical research, the extensive literature on Spatial planning and Territorial Zoning plans in Iran is reviewed, providing a comprehensive history of these programs. The research then critiques and analyzes these programs. The most important criteria influencing land zoning are identified and prioritized using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the opinions of experts. According to the findings, the most important criteria for Territorial Zoning are "cultural-social", "defense-military", and "political-administrative". The sub-criteria of "environmental issues", "level of regional development", "population distribution", "government pattern and type", and "threats and security issues" are also deemed important. Based on the findings and results of the research, the authors propose their own Territorial Zoning plan in the form of ten major regions. This research contributes to the understanding of the history and current state of territorial Zoning in Iran and provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners in the field of Territorial Zoning and spatial planning.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi; Kioumars maleki
The city is not only a collection of buildings, but a phenomenon beyond a building complex. Therefore, a city cannot be considered unique only in the collection of buildings. One of the dangers that threaten many cities in the world is earthquakes. Earthquake has long been one of the most dangerous natural ...
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The city is not only a collection of buildings, but a phenomenon beyond a building complex. Therefore, a city cannot be considered unique only in the collection of buildings. One of the dangers that threaten many cities in the world is earthquakes. Earthquake has long been one of the most dangerous natural hazards and has a high risk. Earthquake risk is an expected damage that will cause damage to elements of society or the environment. For this reason, the protection of the city against earthquakes cannot be considered only in retrofitting and building earthquake-resistant buildings. The connection of the northwest of the country has been done after obtaining the opinions of experts in earthquake and passive defense and urban planning, the necessary investigations and analyzes were carried out using Vikor and TOPSIS fuzzy models, and the result of the model was shown using GIS software as a vulnerability map of the display areas. has been given and finally, areas 2, 3, 7, 4, Tabriz metropolitan municipality with less vulnerability and areas 10, 5, 1, 9, 6 and 8 located in the northeastern and northern areas of the city have been identified as unsuitable and critical. and the causes of vulnerability were expressed and solutions to control vulnerability were presented using data and matching the results of models.
Research Paper
Land use Planning
Azra Moshtagheh Mehr; Asadollah Hejazi; Fariba Karami
In the present research, the evaluation of land use changes in Mahabad county in a twenty-year period from 2000 to 2020 and the prediction of its possible trends until 2040 have been discussed. In this research, the images of ETM and OLI sensors of Landsat satellite in three years of 2000, 2010 and 2020 ...
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In the present research, the evaluation of land use changes in Mahabad county in a twenty-year period from 2000 to 2020 and the prediction of its possible trends until 2040 have been discussed. In this research, the images of ETM and OLI sensors of Landsat satellite in three years of 2000, 2010 and 2020 and the supervised classification have been used to detect the changes that have occurred. In addition, in order to simulate land use changes, Markov model and cellular automata have been used. Based on our results, the highest trend of increase was related to the built-up lands and the highest trend of decrease was related to the water bodies of the region. In other words, the area of built-up lands increased from 2367.67 hectares to 71006.08 hectares. Besides, the area of water bodies has reached from 9266.63 hectares to 1164.28 hectares, respectively. In addition, based on the results of the Markov model, it is expected that the trend of land use changes will decrease the area of agricultural lands by 1473.1 hectares, orchards and forests by 810.11 hectares, pasture land by 16455.4 hectares and water bodies by 545.69 hectares. On the other hand, these changes will be accompanied by an increase in the area of barren lands by 11831.72 hectares and built-up lands by 7448.42 hectares. Therefore, the possible trend of changes indicates an increase in the level of barren lands and built-up lands and a decrease in other land uses. The results of the present research highlighted the need to pay attention to the challenge of land use change in Mahabad county and can provide a proper understanding of the dimensions, trends and patterns of land use in the region to officials, researchers and local people.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
pezhman mohamadi
One of the basic prerequisites for attracting the participation of citizens is the existence of appropriate urban spaces, which can meet the needs of citizens from different dimensions and improve the level of their interactions. , and the clutter of the urban body is very important. The purpose of the ...
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One of the basic prerequisites for attracting the participation of citizens is the existence of appropriate urban spaces, which can meet the needs of citizens from different dimensions and improve the level of their interactions. , and the clutter of the urban body is very important. The purpose of the current research is to investigate the structural model of the role of urban space in enabling citizens to participate in Shahrekord, and in terms of the purpose (type of use) it is an applied research. The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of this study includes the residents of Shahrekord with the number of (190,441). The number of samples was determined to be 383, based on the Cochran's formula, and randomly available. The data collection tool included a 38-question questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed based on structural equation path analysis with AMOS software. The results show that, in general, urban space, the level of citizen participation in the city. The approach has had a positive and significant effect, as urban space has had an impact on participation with a coefficient of 0.17, and the relationship between the physical structure of public spaces has the greatest impact on participation with a coefficient of 0.45, and a network structure. On participation, the coefficient of impact is 0.19.
Research Paper
Fariba Karami; masomeh Rajabi; Fateme Rangraz Forog
Hot springs are included in health tourism as a natural resource. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Geotourism capabilities of the hot springs on the northern slopes of the Bezgosh mountain range with the approach of developing health tourism using the GAM geosite evaluation method (based ...
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Hot springs are included in health tourism as a natural resource. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Geotourism capabilities of the hot springs on the northern slopes of the Bezgosh mountain range with the approach of developing health tourism using the GAM geosite evaluation method (based on the opinion of experts) and the M-GAM method (based on the opinion of visitors). The current reaserch is both descriotive and analytical in terms of purpose.6 Hot springs were identified through the opinions of experts from the regional water resources department of East Azerbaijan province, according to the results. The results of the GAM method showed that the hot springs of Esboroshan and Allah Haq have the highest points, and the springs of Jaldeh Bakhan and Narmiq have the lowest points in terms of health tourism. The analysis of the location of the springs based on the GAM matrix showed that the main value has a lower score compared to the acquired value, which is due to the low score of the scientific/educational value compared to the conservation and beauty/viewing values. The investigation of the springs with the M-GAM method showed that the hot springs of Esbforoshan and Allah hagh have the highest rating, the main reason for this is due to the higher beauty/scenery and protection features that are considered more by the visitors. The GAM matrix shows that the springs are located in three zones Z33, Z32 and Z21 and based on the M-GAM matrix they are in the zones Z22, Z21 and Z11. The reason for changing the location of the springs is the zoning of the M-GAM matrix due to the application of the important factor (high impact of tourists' opinion on the final result).
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Mostafa Movasati; Hassan Ahmadzadeh; Ali panahi
Earthquake is one of the most dangerous, destructive and unpredictable natural hazards. Therefore, identify the vulnerable areas of cities is necessary in order to increase the capacity to deal with earthquake risks and crisis management of this risk. In this regard, the present study was written with ...
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Earthquake is one of the most dangerous, destructive and unpredictable natural hazards. Therefore, identify the vulnerable areas of cities is necessary in order to increase the capacity to deal with earthquake risks and crisis management of this risk. In this regard, the present study was written with the aim of investigating the vulnerable levels of Tabriz metropolis against earthquakes and providing crisis management solutions (before the crisis) to reduce the effects of earthquakes. The research method in the current study is mixed (combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches) with a practical purpose and analytical-exploratory nature, in order to analyze information; FAHP method in ArcGIS and PROMETHEE method were used. In addition, the statistical population of the research includes managers, city officials, and academic elites. The sample size of managers and officials was determined using Cohen's method at the 95% confidence level, 90 people, and the method of accessing them is based on the snowball method. The size of the sample of academic elites is also determined based on the targeted Delphi sampling method of 14 people. The findings of the research show that the peripheral and central areas of the city have the highest vulnerability potential. Meanwhile, regions 10 and 1 with net flow of -0.454 and -0.527 are considered among the areas with high vulnerability to earthquakes. Among the factors affecting the vulnerability of these areas, we can mention the proximity to the fault, wear and tear of the tissues, distance from the aid centers, high density and the lack of elasticity of the roads. For this purpose, a systemic and integrated approach is needed in order to be able to recover and empower the community, and in this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the pre-crisis stage in the dimensions of building retrofitting, improving access and
Research Paper
Nayer Teymuorzadeh; Majid Dadashi Rostami Sales
Urban development is one of the important issues raised in the field of planning, and in the world it means improving productivity and better use of land and space, and it is influenced by factors including natural factors, such that the development of cities with natural bedrock and geomorphological ...
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Urban development is one of the important issues raised in the field of planning, and in the world it means improving productivity and better use of land and space, and it is influenced by factors including natural factors, such that the development of cities with natural bedrock and geomorphological effects is facingDue to the increase in population and the need to use the land around us, it is necessary to make intelligent planning in the field of sustainable urban development in terms of geomorphological phenomena and hazards. The existence of geomorphic hazards and the dynamics of the natural environment sometimes make it difficult to evaluate all factors at the same time in order to determine the appropriate location, so the use of efficient methods is one of the planning measures for urban development.The purpose of this research is to locate the physical development of Sufian city based on geomorphic factors using the AHP-Fuzzy model. To do this, the desired layers, elevation classes, slope, slope direction, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway, drainage network , land use, distance from the road was prepared.Then weighting was done in Expert choice software. Criteria of distance from fault with coefficient (0.218), distance from waterway (0.191), land use (0.155), distance from road (0.130), drainage network (0.102), slope (0.075) ), lithology (0.063), elevation classes (0.055), slope direction (0.011) are respectively the most important influencing factors in the physical development of Sufian city.By combining the results of AHP-Fuzzy and GIS, the studied area is divided into 5 unsuitable floors with an area of 15/90, relatively unsuitable 16/18, relatively suitable 16/59, suitable 16/53, very suitable 67 / 31 square kilometers were prioritized, the northern and eastern parts are in unsuitable areas and the central and southern parts are in very suitable areas.
Research Paper
Narges Samadi; Ali akbar Rasouli pirouzian; Davood Mokhtari; Khalil Valizadeh Kamran
The main aim of the current study was to detect changes in snow cover within the Western watersheds of Lake Urmia, situated in the Silvaneh mountain range, using the processing of multi-sensor and multi-spectral satellite images for high-precision identification of snow-covered areas. Sentinel-2 and ...
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The main aim of the current study was to detect changes in snow cover within the Western watersheds of Lake Urmia, situated in the Silvaneh mountain range, using the processing of multi-sensor and multi-spectral satellite images for high-precision identification of snow-covered areas. Sentinel-2 and Landsat (8 and 9) satellite images were acquired and underwent preprocessing operations, such as atmospheric and radiometric corrections, using ENVI software version 1/10. Projects for the May months of the years 2016 to 2023 were then established. Initially, normalized difference snow indices were employed to independently generate snow cover maps for Landsat and Sentinel images for the entire watersheds of Nazluchay, Ruzechay, Shahrchay, and Barandozchay. In the next stage, an optimized color-sensitive object-based approach, based on object-oriented functions, was applied to the main bands of the Sentinel-2 sensor. To enhance the accuracy of the final results, Landsat images were fused with Sentinel images through a coordinated fusion method, producing various products, especially high-resolution optimized color images and classified scene maps. Ultimately, high-precision snow cover maps for temporal series were extracted for each of the mentioned watersheds through processing the fused images. Examination of the snow cover maps revealed that despite its smaller area compared to the Nazluchay and Barandozchay watersheds, the Shahrchay watershed has a higher snow accumulation coefficient, allowing for greater snow cover storage. Additionally, the comparison of the snow cover density map (years 2016 to 2023) with the elevation model of Alouspalsar at a resolution of 5/12 meters indicates a significant distribution of snow cover in higher elevations above 2300 meters in the study area. Therefore, accurate identification of snow cover, even on a daily and weekly scale, can provide essential and precise information for proactive water resource management, resulting from snowmelt, with multiple objectives in the watersheds surrounding Lake Urmia.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Maryam jami odulo; MohammadHasan Yazdani; Ata Ghafari Ghilandeh
The patterns of land separation are one of the tools that allow land users and urban designers and planners to control the existing and future development and construction of the land and use it with appropriate standards and criteria. and close the shape of the city. Therefore, the way of separation ...
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The patterns of land separation are one of the tools that allow land users and urban designers and planners to control the existing and future development and construction of the land and use it with appropriate standards and criteria. and close the shape of the city. Therefore, the way of separation and compliance with the principles and rules of urban planning and the effective components during the separation of urban lands will have a significant impact on cities. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the patterns of segregation and the factors affecting it in the suburban areas of Ardabil city. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population of the research was made up of executive experts in housing and urban development and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation of Ardabil city, 50 of them were selected by snowball method and the questionnaire was completed. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS and Excel software, and after weighting the studied indicators using the Shannon entropy method, the selected areas were selected using the COPRAS model. were ranked. The results of the implementation of the mentioned model show that in terms of the factors affecting land segregation patterns in the suburbs of Ardabil city, Sablan town, dadghostari town, karshenasan town and sina town are ranked first to fourth respectively. are located The components affecting land separation play a decisive role in identifying the land separation pattern. Therefore, it is pointless to consider a fixed pattern for all urban spaces considering the effective components. As a result, the optimal pattern of land separation should always be reviewed and monitored by considering the effective components.
Research Paper
abdul Rahim hashemi; Behrouz Nezafat takle; Sayeh Abidi
The aim of the current research is to evaluate the geotourism and geomorphological potentials of Parsabad city in the direction of economic development. The nature of this research is descriptive-analytical-applied and Hadzik, Pavlova, and Reynard models were used to evaluate the studied area. The results ...
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The aim of the current research is to evaluate the geotourism and geomorphological potentials of Parsabad city in the direction of economic development. The nature of this research is descriptive-analytical-applied and Hadzik, Pavlova, and Reynard models were used to evaluate the studied area. The results obtained from the dynamic model of Parsabad city in the scientific sub-indices section according to experts and visitors have obtained an average score of 2.84 and 0.52, and also in the sub-index of surplus values, it has an average score of 3.15 and 0.50, respectively. experts and visitors. The results obtained from the Pavlova model and the positive factors of competitiveness in this region indicate its high importance in terms of historical and cultural monuments, natural wealth and protected areas. But in terms of the negative factors of competitiveness in this region, in the areas of lack of skilled specialists and lack of budget for the development of the region, competitiveness has been low; Therefore, the Parsabad geotourism area is placed in the category of good competitiveness with a weighted score of 1.5. Also, according to the results obtained from Reynard's model, the studied area has received the highest score under the added value index with a value of 2.21 because it has scored the highest score in the sub-indices of protected places and historical monuments. Therefore, it is concluded that by combining the results obtained from different evaluation models, this region has high importance and value in parts such as the presence of historical and cultural areas and protected places, and on the other hand, due to the budget deficit in the region and the lack of welfare infrastructure for tourists, as well as the lack of management Adequate to some extent, it does not have favorable conditions in attracting tourists to the region.
Research Paper
Rural Planning
Mohammad Javad Ahmadian; Elham Karimi
In addition to the economic value, agricultural farms and their products can play an important role in tourism, especially in rural areas. This study examines the feasibility of agricultural tourism development in Saffron farms of Tiran-va-Karvan rural areas and attempts to identify and describe its ...
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In addition to the economic value, agricultural farms and their products can play an important role in tourism, especially in rural areas. This study examines the feasibility of agricultural tourism development in Saffron farms of Tiran-va-Karvan rural areas and attempts to identify and describe its determinants and barriers. The statistical population was the Saffron farmers of the region. The practically experienced Saffron farms tourism, as the dependent variable, and farmers’ individual characteristics, crop’s economic characteristics, and several structural and organizational factors were independent variables of the study, which have evaluated and analyzed through appropriate processing procedures, following the operationalization and data gathering field operations. Based on the results, the limited practically experienced Saffron farms tourism has been positively influenced by factors such as general tourism infrastructures, advertising, demand from local authorities, economic characteristics of the crop, its cultivation history and the level of education of the farmers. Further analysis showed if the region’s potential of Saffron farms tourism, be accompanied by organizational supports and specialized farm amenities as the most important preconditions for farm tourism, and favorable mentalities of farmers to pursue and realize it, will be able to lead the Saffron cultivation system of the region towards the on-farm non-agricultural entrepreneurial activities, especially the tourism, more commercialized and profitable. That way, due to the harvest and post-harvest characteristics of Saffron, the women and even the non-agricultural occupants of the families can have a significant role in this regard.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
mahta eskandarnejad; fereshte golzadeh; behzad behzadnia
The current research was conducted with the aim of the relationship between environmental protection behaviors and the mediating role of professional ethics in athletes. The research method was descriptive-correlation studies based on structural equations. The statistical population of the research was ...
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The current research was conducted with the aim of the relationship between environmental protection behaviors and the mediating role of professional ethics in athletes. The research method was descriptive-correlation studies based on structural equations. The statistical population of the research was made up of all the athletes, who were selected as a sample based on the multi-stage cluster random sampling method based on the unlimited population size and according to Morgan's table. In order to collect information, questionnaires of professional ethics and environmental protection behaviors of Kaiser (1999) were used. The reliability of the questionnaires was found to be 0.854 and 0.832, respectively, based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was done through Pearson test and structural equations with AMOS software. According to the results of the Pearson correlation test, there is a significant positive relationship between professional ethics and environmental protection behaviors (Sig=0.001, r=0.714). Also, the results of structural equations showed that the mediation of professional ethics has a significant positive effect on the environmental protection behaviors of athletes.
Research Paper
Leila Aghayary; Sayyad Asghari Saraskanrood; Batool Zeinali
Flood is one of the most common natural hazards that causes many human and financial losses all over the world every year. In order to reduce the damages caused by floods and flood management, it is necessary to assess the possibility of danger and prepare maps of possible danger areas. Flood-flooding ...
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Flood is one of the most common natural hazards that causes many human and financial losses all over the world every year. In order to reduce the damages caused by floods and flood management, it is necessary to assess the possibility of danger and prepare maps of possible danger areas. Flood-flooding potential zoning is one of the methods that can be adopted to reduce the risks caused by floods. In recent years, many destructive floods have occurred in Garami county. For this reason, in order to manage floods, reduce damages and use water resources correctly, the flood potential of Germi county has been studied. In this study, 9 factors of slope, slope direction, height, precipitation, distance from the river, density of the river, lithology, distance from the city and village and land use were identified as effective factors for causing floods in the region. Standardization of maps was done using fuzzy method and zoning of prone areas was done with Aras multi-criteria algorithm in Edrisi software environment and according to the results of flood risk zoning; The criteria of lithology, land use, slope, distance from the river are the most important factors involved in creating the risk of subsidence of the study area with the weight coefficient of 0.853, 0.808, 0.674 and 0.4867 respectively, and 189.70 and 189.70 respectively. 20/388 square kilometers of the area has a very high probability of danger.
Research Paper
Paria Saadatjoo; Ali Alizadeh; Saeed jahanbakhsh; Ali Mohammad Khorshiddoust; Behrooz Sari Sarraf
This article investigates the impact of climate change on energy consumption in residential buildings across various Iranian cities over the next 70 years.
To achieve this, climatic data for Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Mashhad, and Kermanshah were generated using Meteonorm 8 software based on existing ten-year ...
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This article investigates the impact of climate change on energy consumption in residential buildings across various Iranian cities over the next 70 years.
To achieve this, climatic data for Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Mashhad, and Kermanshah were generated using Meteonorm 8 software based on existing ten-year climatic data. Following the identification of prevalent residential building types in Iran, a representative sample was selected, and energy simulations were conducted using Design Builder software for the years 2030, 2060, and 2090 in the aforementioned cities.
The results indicated a projected increase in cooling energy demand across all cities in the coming years. Tehran exhibited the most significant changes in annual heating energy, with a projected decrease of 37% in 2060 and 66.64% in 2090 compared to 2030. Tabriz experienced the largest annual increase in cooling energy, with a rise of 37.53% in the first three decades and 75.43% in the subsequent three decades. Overall, projected annual cooling energy changes ranged from 21.36% to 37.53% by 2060 and 44.14% to 75.43% by 2090 across these cities.
Tabriz had the highest annual energy consumption, while Kermanshah had the lowest. Additionally, Tabriz exhibited the highest heating energy consumption, whereas Tehran had the highest cooling energy demand annually. Regarding carbon dioxide emissions, Tehran recorded the highest levels during 2030, 2060, and 2090, with Isfahan showing the most substantial increase in emissions over the seventy-year period. Statistical analyses revealed a significant relationship between temperature changes and time across all cities. However, no significant relationship was found between time and energy consumption or carbon dioxide emissions in these cities. In conclusion, this study highlights the anticipated changes in energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in residential buildings across Iranian cities due to climate change.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Rahman Zandi; Fatemeh Shahriyar
This research aims to evaluate the relationship between time series of land use changes and land surface temperature in desert cities in Yazd using time series satellite images of 1987-2022 in Google Earth Engine system. To calculate (LST), using Landsat 5, 7 and 8 thermal band data in these two time ...
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This research aims to evaluate the relationship between time series of land use changes and land surface temperature in desert cities in Yazd using time series satellite images of 1987-2022 in Google Earth Engine system. To calculate (LST), using Landsat 5, 7 and 8 thermal band data in these two time periods, in addition to the supervised classification method, from the separate window algorithm method, and to calculate the vegetation cover from the normalized index (NDVI) has been used. The results of the supervised classification method showed; By comparing the changes in land use area between 2022 and 1987, it was determined that in 1987, desert areas had the largest area with (1815/1416) square kilometers, and in 2022, residential areas had the largest area with (74/1861) square kilometers. The lowest area in 1987-2022 is related to garden and forest lands with (34.4934) square kilometers and in 2022 with (2.5281) square kilometers. The amount of vegetation changes in 1987 with (11.9916) square kilometers, compared to 2022 with (13.0455) square kilometers, had the lowest area. The results of temperature changes showed that the maximum and minimum temperature of 1987 was equal to (60-61) degrees Celsius, compared to 2022 with values of (19-33) degrees Celsius, there were temporal and spatial changes. Therefore, by examining the average annual temperature and precipitation in different seasons of the year until the horizon of 2045, it was determined that with the increase in annual temperature in the future, this city will face a decrease in rainfall in different rainy seasons of the year. Therefore, the highest temperature occurred in the spring season and the lowest rainfall occurred in the autumn season.
Research Paper
Akbar Asgharizamani; Mohajjabeh Barei; rahim Heydari chianeh
In recent years, one of the reasons and motives of tourists travel is the existence of world heritage sites in the destination. This project, which is introduced by UNESCO and stakeholders and related media, is an indicator of choosing a tourist destination. Therefore, recognizing the values ...
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In recent years, one of the reasons and motives of tourists travel is the existence of world heritage sites in the destination. This project, which is introduced by UNESCO and stakeholders and related media, is an indicator of choosing a tourist destination. Therefore, recognizing the values of the world heritage sites and converting this resource to an international tourist attraction can have a major role in the development of urban tourism or the area where the site is located. In this research, indicators and items related to the development of tourism in Tabriz historic Bazaar, including cultural and urban tourism concepts have been studied. According to the results of the study, three valuable items, indicator gravity, knowledge and responsibility were identified as the main factors for development of market tourism. A valuable item is located in the center of this structure and the indicators of attraction index and awareness are the result of this valuable and also features of tourism development.
Research Paper
mehrdad vahabzadeh; Fariba Esfandiari Dorabad; zohreh sheikhlar; Behrouz Nezafat takle; Oveys Vahabzadeh zargari
Therefore, considering the development of the tourism industry, it is necessary to evaluate tourism centers in terms of efficiency and competitiveness. The aim of the current research is to assess the potential of geomorphological and geotourism destinations in Khalkhal City, Shahrood district.
Methods: ...
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Therefore, considering the development of the tourism industry, it is necessary to evaluate tourism centers in terms of efficiency and competitiveness. The aim of the current research is to assess the potential of geomorphological and geotourism destinations in Khalkhal City, Shahrood district.
Methods: In this research, two models, Kubalikova and Pavolová, were used, along with the conversion of the results into a map using the geographic information system.
Results: The results obtained from the Kubalikova model indicate that the Shahrood district, with 11 points due to the high diversity of stratigraphic and geological phenomena, has high potential in the geotourism sector and stratigraphic destinations. Additionally, the Shahrood and Palanga districts scored 8 and 7 points, respectively. Below are the results based on the positive and negative matrix in Pavolová's model. It also shows that Dehistan Shahrood, with a score of 1.71, has the highest competitiveness due to its stratigraphic sites, caves, and various hydrological sites, ranking at the top in terms of competitiveness. Shahrood and Palanga districts are also ranked well with 1.61 and 1.53 points, respectively, due to the low variety of phenomena and service facilities. However, all three districts in the Shahrood sector have low values in terms of budget deficit.
Conclusions: According to the results obtained from both models for measuring the potentials of geomorphological and geotourism destinations, it is concluded that Shal village has a higher potential than Shahrood and Palanga districts, as well as the output results of the map of the potentials of geomorphological and geotourism destinations in the Pavlova model. It has a higher accuracy, which is due to more parameters of the matrices, also the Kubalikova model has a general model and has a lower accuracy than the Pavolová model.
Research Paper
Rural Planning
Hossein karimzadeh; hamdollah ssojasi gheidari; Robab Naghizadeh
Objective: Rural tourism entrepreneurship is considered a strategic approach to the transition to a sustainable community, and the desire for rural tourism entrepreneurship is reflected via each rural's unique features and abilities. This paper aims to determine the essential ...
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Objective: Rural tourism entrepreneurship is considered a strategic approach to the transition to a sustainable community, and the desire for rural tourism entrepreneurship is reflected via each rural's unique features and abilities. This paper aims to determine the essential aspects of rural tourism entrepreneurship based on strategic advantages in connection with tourist villages of Ardabil province.
Methods: In this research, 15 tourism villages of Ardabil province, selected by the Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism, are the study areas. Random sampling has been used to select households in the tourism villages. In this sampling, people in the community are given an equal chance to be selected in the sample. The required data were collected through a questionnaire survey. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) designed with Lisrel software.
Results: The results indicate that, the variable "acceptance of new ideas and values" in the "flexibility" index, the variable "access to amenities (water, electricity, gas...)" in the index of "energy" and the variable "ability to transfer one's expertise and skills to others such as children, friends or acquaintances" in the index of "expertise and skill" have the first to third ranks according to the respondents. Finally, this study provides new ways to launch rural entrepreneurship related to tourism based on strategic advantages.
Conclusions: in this study all dimensions (economic, social, cultural, physical, Individual, and environmental) of strategic advantages are significant.
Research Paper
Rural Planning
Seyed Hadi Tayebnia; Maryam Hoseinzie
Throughout history, human societies have continued to face dangers and have always suffered harmful effects. Environmental hazards are occurring not only in terms of number, but also with an increase in diversity and amount of damage, especially in rural areas. Close connection with the environment, ...
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Throughout history, human societies have continued to face dangers and have always suffered harmful effects. Environmental hazards are occurring not only in terms of number, but also with an increase in diversity and amount of damage, especially in rural areas. Close connection with the environment, deprivation, lack of awareness and preparation increases the vulnerability of rural areas. However, some phenomena are inevitable and the only way to deal with them is to manage them. One of the approaches to face environmental risks and crises is resilience. The studied area is exposed to various types of hazards and is in a high vulnerability condition, and it is necessary to measure its resilience. This research is of an applied type and its purpose is to investigate the level of resilience of rural settlements in Sarbaz city. The research method is descriptive, analytical and survey-based. The required data were collected using library studies and field survey at the household level, and the sample size was estimated according to Cochran's formula from the population of 2276 households, equivalent to 329 households, and the questionnaire was completed by simple random sampling method. The results of the research showed that the level of resilience in the social and physical dimension is optimal with an average of 3.45 and 3.23, respectively, in the economic dimension with an average of 3.01, it is in the average level, and in the leadership quarter with an average of 2.85, it is in an unfavorable level.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Leyla Mohammadi Kazemabadi; Sedigheh Lotfi; Amer Nikpour
Today, air pollution of large cities has caused major crises in economic, social, environmental and physical development. So that this issue has become the first priority for urban planners in order to curb the problem. Investigating the effects of urban form on air quality has been considered in both ...
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Today, air pollution of large cities has caused major crises in economic, social, environmental and physical development. So that this issue has become the first priority for urban planners in order to curb the problem. Investigating the effects of urban form on air quality has been considered in both experimental and theoretical research. Arak metropolis is unhealthy especially for vulnerable groups due to the presence of many sources of air pollution in more than half of the days of the year and now it is one of the eight polluted cities in the country. The present study attempted to evaluate the impact of city form indicators on the pollution of the city. The research results showed; There has been a significant relationship between the city form index and the dependent variable (air pollution index) at the 95% level. So that the R2 value obtained from the spatial analysis of the city form index on SO2, showed 72% and the influence of the city form on the production of this pollutant. The intensity of the effect is greater in zones 2 and 3 of Arak city. This study explored the regional form and air pollution in a city where the concentration of industrial plants exacerbated environmental situation. So urban planning and policies should be formulated in accordance with the city function and industrial structure of Arak metropolis.
Research Paper
Land use Planning
Bahman Veisi Nabikandi; Abolfazl Ghanbari
Evaluating and forecasting the changes in habitat quality (HQ) caused by land use/land cover (LULC) variations during urbanization is crucial for establishing a comprehensive ecological planning system and tackling the obstacles to global sustainable development. Over the last several decades, the biodiversity ...
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Evaluating and forecasting the changes in habitat quality (HQ) caused by land use/land cover (LULC) variations during urbanization is crucial for establishing a comprehensive ecological planning system and tackling the obstacles to global sustainable development. Over the last several decades, the biodiversity and environmental quality of the northern provinces have seen significant transformations as a result of population growth, urban development, climate change, and the rise in tourist activities. In this research, the LULC maps of Amol City were created for the years 2000 and 2020 using remote sensing data. Additionally, using the CA-Markov model, a simulation was conducted for the year 2035, considering two scenarios: Business-As-Usual (BAU) and Ecological Protection (EP). To assess the spatiotemporal changes occurring at HQ, we integrated the InVEST-HQ model with the CA-Markov model. The findings indicate a significant decline in overall HQ in the city of Amol between 2000 and 2020, mostly due to urbanization and agricultural expansion. Between 2020 and 2035, according to the BAU scenario, the landscape pattern and HQ will continue to deteriorate, following the previous trend of decline. The EP scenario, on the other hand, will be critical in stabilizing and supporting the area's HQ. This emphasizes the significance of preserving ecological spaces like forests and grasslands. The study's maps and findings may assist local managers and related organizations in implementing more efficient plans and solutions for the preservation of these ecosystems.
Research Paper
Mahnaz Saber; Bromand Salahi; Roghayeh Maleki Meresht
In this research, the water balance components of the Aras basin area were simulated in the SWAT model for a period of 28 years (1987-2014). For this purpose, the efficiency and capability of the SWAT model by SWAT CUP using the SUFI2 algorithm and based on the observed discharge data in the selected ...
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In this research, the water balance components of the Aras basin area were simulated in the SWAT model for a period of 28 years (1987-2014). For this purpose, the efficiency and capability of the SWAT model by SWAT CUP using the SUFI2 algorithm and based on the observed discharge data in the selected hydrometric station of Aras basin (Bdoy) with 70% of the data (1987-2006) and 30% of the rest (2007-2014) was validated. Based on the raster data input to the model, this basin was divided into 68 subbasins with 1264 hydrological response units (HRUs) and calculations were performed on their level. SWAT model calibration was done by using 14 important parameters that were selected from several parameters based on the comparison of sensitivity analysis results. In the sensitivity analysis stage of the model, parameters related to monthly temperature, air temperature, and soil evaporation factor from.bsn,.wgn, and.hru files were identified as the most effective parameters in simulating the flow discharge of the selected hydrometric station of Aras Basin. By running 300 times of calibration, finally, the best round of simulation based on the target criteria was identified and the output data was evaluated. The efficiency and accuracy of the model in the calibration period (1987-2006) based on the evaluation criteria of NS, P-Factor, R-Factor, and R2 were calculated as 0.64, 0.71, 0.27, and 0.79 respectively, which show the satisfactory performance of the model. In the water balance simulation, it is Aras Basin. The values of these criteria in the validation period were calculated as 0.7, 0.78, 0.3, and 0.68 respectively.
Research Paper
Mousa Abedini; Aboozar sadeghi
The aim of this study is to calculate the nocturnal urban heat island (UHI) and its relationship with urban land use in the metropolitan area of Tabriz. Landsat satellite data and Sentinel 3 data were used for this research. The Landsat satellite data was processed in ENVI 5.3.1, and the Sentinel 3 data ...
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The aim of this study is to calculate the nocturnal urban heat island (UHI) and its relationship with urban land use in the metropolitan area of Tabriz. Landsat satellite data and Sentinel 3 data were used for this research. The Landsat satellite data was processed in ENVI 5.3.1, and the Sentinel 3 data was processed in SNAP software, with further statistical calculations and outputs performed using ARCGIS 10.8. In the Landsat data, the minimum temperature was 5.14°C and the maximum temperature was 23.91°C, with the highest temperatures observed in bare land, transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential areas, as well as low-lying areas and areas lacking vegetation cover. The highest percentage of area with temperatures ranging from 15.16°C to 17.88°C was approximately 45.75% of the city. Areas with temperatures above 19°C covered an area of approximately 31.45 square kilometers, which accounts for 12.58% of the city. In the Sentinel data, the minimum temperature was 12.84°C and the maximum temperature was 21.62°C, with similar land use patterns to the Landsat data. Areas with temperatures ranging from 17.29°C to 18.45°C had the highest percentage of area, and areas with temperatures above 19°C covered approximately 17.06 square kilometers, accounting for 6.82% of the total area. Based on the results, which showed similar temperatures and land use patterns in both satellite data, it can be concluded that either satellite can be used for extracting the urban heat island (nighttime temperature).
Research Paper
Urban Planning
leily hojaghani; Alireza Rostamzadeh Khosroshahi; Ali Mahmoudzadeh
The current research was conducted with the aim of technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a small-scale solar power plant in the northwestern region of Iran. The area studied in the current research is the northwestern region of the country. The research is applied in terms of its purpose ...
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The current research was conducted with the aim of technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a small-scale solar power plant in the northwestern region of Iran. The area studied in the current research is the northwestern region of the country. The research is applied in terms of its purpose and the current research is descriptive or non-experimental and in terms of data type, it is quantitative. In this research, firstly, the study area will be studied by field and library methods, and then the amount of energy and capacity factor of the power plant will be calculated by analytical method, and then, the economic aspect of the project will be investigated. In this research, using the RETScreen software, the amount of solar energy received, the power plant's capacity factor, the estimation of initial and periodic costs, the calculation of the amount of greenhouse gas reduction and the financial evaluation will be discussed. The results show that the highest amount of sunlight in Tabriz city is in June and the lowest amount of sunlight throughout the year is in December. In the 10,000 kW solar power plant selected by setting the benchmark, it can be said that, at the minimum cost, the production of each kilowatt hour of electrical energy in Tabriz city through solar energy costs 0.275 dollars and it costs a lot compared to other methods. assigns Producing the same amount of electricity through a photovoltaic system costs $0.060. According to the obtained results, if this power plant is set up, it is not economical, but it will significantly reduce air pollution.
Research Paper
Land use Planning
Hamid Reza Pourkhabbaz; Sepideh Raz; Shahram Yusefi Khanghah; Saeideh Javanmardi
Sanitary landfill is one of the most practical and major methods of urban waste disposal, which is mostly used in the urban waste management system to prevent negative environmental consequences. For this purpose, sitting the suitable place to landfill urban waste is very important. Therefore, the purpose ...
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Sanitary landfill is one of the most practical and major methods of urban waste disposal, which is mostly used in the urban waste management system to prevent negative environmental consequences. For this purpose, sitting the suitable place to landfill urban waste is very important. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the optimal place for sanitary landfill of Andimeshk waste. After preparing the information layers of the criteria in the GIS environment, the layers were standardized and dimensionless using fuzzy membership functions, then the weighting of the criteria was done using Chang's FAHP method, and in the last step, the layers were combined using the WLC method. After combining the layers, the final map was classified into three suggested categories: suitable, relatively suitable and unsuitable. The result was that in the FAHP method, 23% of the studied area was identified as a suitable class for location. Also, an area equal to 38% of the area was found to be relatively suitable and an area equal to 39% of the area was found to be inappropriate in terms of the burial potential.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
neda sohrabi; hassan sajadzadeh; amirbahador samari
Environmental quality is part of human satisfaction with the environment. Although pedestrianization plays an important role in improving environmental quality in urban spaces, uniform approaches without considering the spatial nature, potentials, and environmental capacities in the construction of urban ...
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Environmental quality is part of human satisfaction with the environment. Although pedestrianization plays an important role in improving environmental quality in urban spaces, uniform approaches without considering the spatial nature, potentials, and environmental capacities in the construction of urban pedestrian paths will not only fail to promote environmental quality and satisfaction, but also lead to a decline in the social and economic quality of urban spaces. The aim of this research is to evaluate the environmental quality components of the Bouali and Ekbatan pedestrian paths in Hamedan city from the perspective of users in order to respond to the needs of citizens and user satisfaction. The method of this research is practical in terms of objective and descriptive-analytical in terms of method of implementation. Indicators and measurement criteria related to environmental quality were extracted by reviewing credible scientific texts and then collecting the opinions of citizens and employees through a questionnaire. The statistical population in this study was infinite, and using the method of infinite population sampling, a sample size of 200 individuals was selected for this study. For the reliability assessment, Cronbach's alpha was used, and for the validity assessment, the KMO index and Bartlett's test were used. For statistical analysis of the data, exploratory factor analysis was used and an independent two-sample t-test was used to compare the two pedestrian paths of Bouali and Ekbatan in Hamedan city in the SPSS software. The findings of the exploratory factor analysis indicate that the factors "presence", "environmental responsiveness", "cultural and social activity diversity", "comfort and security", and "ease of movement and accessibility" have the highest contribution to explaining environmental quality. Furthermore, the comparison results of environmental quality factors show that Bouali pedestrian street has achieved a better position in terms of accessibility, environmental responsiveness, and cultural-social activity diversity.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Freydoun Babayi Aghdam; rahim heydari chianeh; Ghasem Rahimifard
in recent years , competitiveness is considered as an effective economic concept on sustainable development of tourism industry .perhaps until a few years ago , only a service such as clean rooms , transport service and appropriate food would satisfy the customers of hotels ; but at the moment the hotel ...
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in recent years , competitiveness is considered as an effective economic concept on sustainable development of tourism industry .perhaps until a few years ago , only a service such as clean rooms , transport service and appropriate food would satisfy the customers of hotels ; but at the moment the hotel passengers will evaluate the entire service of receiving services from entering residential places to the leaving stage and compare their expectations with the quality of the offered services and make the assessment the basis for future reference .one of the most important features of residential services is to create a sense of comfort and comfort to customers through a high - quality relationship and paying attention to providing mental and physical needs of passengers .the present research is descriptive - analytical and applied in terms of purpose .according to the studied indices , for gathering data , library research method and then میدانی ( questionnaire method - likert spectrum ) were used from tourists of residential centers in tabriz .to analyze the collected data using spss software and one sample t - test ( t - test ) was used to evaluate the competitiveness indices of tabriz city .multivariate regression analysis and analysis of variance ( anova ) were used to investigate and study the relationship between the indicators of tourism development in tabriz and total quality management and to determine the effect of each of the variables of total quality management on tourism competitiveness in tabriz .also , to investigate the relationship between variables in the period of june and october to 2023 , its correlation was also studied , which was positive and the results showed that by applying total quality management , the size of tourism competitiveness indices increase over time in tabriz residential centers .
Research Paper
مهدی Asadi
In this study, we aimed to predict the trends of climatic parameters affecting almond growth from 2021 to 2100. We utilized the IPSL-CM5A-LR and GFDL-ESM2M models from the CMIP5 report, as well as the GFDL-ESM4 and IPSL-CM6A-LR models from the CMIP6 report. These models were selected based on their high ...
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In this study, we aimed to predict the trends of climatic parameters affecting almond growth from 2021 to 2100. We utilized the IPSL-CM5A-LR and GFDL-ESM2M models from the CMIP5 report, as well as the GFDL-ESM4 and IPSL-CM6A-LR models from the CMIP6 report. These models were selected based on their high coefficient of determination (r^2) with temperature and precipitation data from the Birjand station, outperforming the other 10 models. Kendall's rank correlation test results revealed that the average, maximum, and minimum temperatures exhibited an increase of over 3 degrees Celsius, while precipitation showed a decreasing trend. These findings suggest a prevalence of dry conditions during the study period from 2021 to 2100. Furthermore, the climate models showed that the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) values for temperature in all the examined models were below 1.322. The GFDL-ESM2M model displayed the lowest RMSE and MAD values, with numerical values of 1.023 and 0.997, respectively. However, all models' RMSE and MAD values for precipitation were above 10. Overall, the CMIP6 models (RMSE for temperature and precipitation: 1.156 and 14.463, MAD for temperature and precipitation: 1.139 and 12.583) performed better in predicting temperature and precipitation in the study area, exhibiting lower mean errors compared to the CMIP5 models. The only exception was the MAD value for precipitation 11.703 (RMSE for temperature and precipitation: 1.172 and 13.479, MAD for temperature and precipitation: 1.140 and 11.703). Finally, due to the increase in minimum and maximum temperatures and decrease in precipitation, the future conditions of the crops are facing a challenge.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Keramatollah ziari; shahryar hamidy kay
The mutual effects of humans and the natural environment always directly and indirectly cause land use changes, which lead to many environmental problems and endanger the life of the planet; Therefore, it is necessary to know the changes and the factors affecting them in order to continue life and reduce ...
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The mutual effects of humans and the natural environment always directly and indirectly cause land use changes, which lead to many environmental problems and endanger the life of the planet; Therefore, it is necessary to know the changes and the factors affecting them in order to continue life and reduce land use changes to overcome the problems. The current research is of applied type and in terms of its nature, it has an exploratory approach. In this research, satellite images of 1993-2003-2013-2023 and ENVI, ARCGIS and Google Earth software were used to identify land use changes in 5 land use classes of the city (man-made), barren lands, agricultural lands, garden lands and water lands have been used. The results obtained in the studied area during the last three decades during the years 1993-2023 from 26768 hectares of urban lands in Urmia and outside its boundaries show that urban lands (man-made) have always increased by 3744 hectares, lands Barren land decreased by 2838 hectares, agricultural lands increased by 2204 hectares, garden lands decreased by 5764 hectares, and water lands (river bed) have water seasonally due to the construction of Silvana Dam. Using the fuzzy Delphi method, 6 factors of population, wealth, technological progress, political economy, political structure, attitudes and values (culture) were identified as the main factors of urban land use changes in Urmia, and the first three factors are the main factors.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
ahmad hajarian
The urban environment quality approach, as one of the newest paradigms for the revitalization of urban areas, has a tremendous impact on the quality of life and sustainability of its residents, and its combination with creative approaches such as urban branding can lead to growth and excellence. urban ...
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The urban environment quality approach, as one of the newest paradigms for the revitalization of urban areas, has a tremendous impact on the quality of life and sustainability of its residents, and its combination with creative approaches such as urban branding can lead to growth and excellence. urban areas and increasing the competitiveness of the city. Based on this, the aim of the present research is to analyze and evaluate the quality of the urban environment of Isfahan metropolis from the perspective of urban branding, and for this purpose, the urban areas of Isfahan metropolis were selected as a study case. The current research is based on the objective of the applied type and in terms of the method, the descriptive-correlation type and the method of data collection is documentary and field. The statistical sample size includes citizens living in the 15 districts of Isfahan metropolis. The sample size is estimated to be 337 questionnaires based on the population of 3072642 in 2015 and distributed according to the population of each region. In the present study, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the structural equation method were used in the Smart PLS software environment for data analysis. The results obtained from the research show the positive, strong and significant impact of the branding variable on the quality of the urban environment with an impact coefficient of (0.833), which means that with a change of one unit in the factors and indicators of urban branding, the variables The quality of the urban environment also changes in a favorable direction.
Research Paper
farahnaz Khadem; Kimia Ebrahimi; Nazila Dadash Zadeh
In recent decades, the expansion of the population and the speed of the urbanization process have caused many inconsistencies at the level of cities, especially big cities. One of these cases is the excessive increase in the production of urban waste and failure to observe the principles of management ...
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In recent decades, the expansion of the population and the speed of the urbanization process have caused many inconsistencies at the level of cities, especially big cities. One of these cases is the excessive increase in the production of urban waste and failure to observe the principles of management and its proper burial. In such a way that how to deal with this issue in urban plans is one of the main concerns in different urban dimensions, especially the environmental aspect. the main goals in the urban area and in order to achieve sustainable development, as well as strengthening the public health of cities and reducing various environmental pollutions, is to find a suitable place for urban wastes in a completely principled and desirable way, for this purpose, different methods and there is a difference in terms of their treatment and executive operations. the purpose of this research is to find the effective factors on locating, as well as finding a suitable place for burying urban waste in the metropolis of Tabriz and investigating the current situation of the city with the daily production of 1200 tons of waste. The studied method in reaching the set goal is analytical-descriptive and using the hierarchical decision-making model AHP,
the parameters affecting the location of the waste landfill, which include geology, slope of the area, urban land use, distance from the surrounding villages, distance from the river, distance from the roads, geology of the area, in the analytical process and layer production Descriptive and raster are evaluated.
The results show that among the factors affecting the location of the waste landfill in Tabriz city, the geological factor is the most valuable and the important areas based on the spectrum of the final map are dark green and often have pastures and crops.
Research Paper
Ali Zarei; Asadollah Khoorani
The study aimed to introduce the most effective model for estimating energy consumption through the modeling of residential electrical energy consumption. .Reanalysis climate data from ECMWF spanning the years 2003 to 2022 were acquired, along with the annual electrical energy consumption data of the ...
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The study aimed to introduce the most effective model for estimating energy consumption through the modeling of residential electrical energy consumption. .Reanalysis climate data from ECMWF spanning the years 2003 to 2022 were acquired, along with the annual electrical energy consumption data of the residential sector across Iranian provinces. Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to analyze the relationships between variables, and the Mann-Kendall non-parametric test was utilized to scrutinize trends in these variables. Four regression and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based models, namely Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest (RF), were employed to model electric energy consumption. The performance of these models was assessed using metrics such as Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2), and Standard Deviation (SD), evaluated through a Taylor diagram. Provinces. In 22 provinces, a positive correlation was observed, whereas in 9 provinces, a negative correlation was identified. Analysis of the temporal changes indicates a consistent increase in minimum and maximum temperatures as well as electrical energy consumption across all provinces. However, it is noteworthy that the UTCI displayed a negative trend in several provinces. The stepwise regression model revealed that in 23 provinces, the sole influential variable is the minimum temperature. Notably, in the provinces of Isfahan, South Khorasan, and Kerman, both minimum temperature and the UTCI were identified as influential variables. Conversely, in Ardabil, Gilan, and Golestan provinces, only the maximum temperature featured in the regression equation. Modeling outcomes underscored the superior performance of the ANN model in comparison to the other three models. The ANN model exhibited the highest correlation coefficient at 0.79, coupled with the RMSE of 360. Following in ranking, the MLR, SVM, and RF models demonstrated progressively lower levels of performance
Research Paper
Lotfollah Maleki masoumabad; Behrouz Nezafat takle
Objective: Geotourism is a special field of tourism that focuses on the exploration of geotourism potentials and geological heritage (geosites). The purpose of the current research is to assess the geotourism and geomorphological potentials of the touristic villages of Khalkhal using Kobalikova, Violet ...
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Objective: Geotourism is a special field of tourism that focuses on the exploration of geotourism potentials and geological heritage (geosites). The purpose of the current research is to assess the geotourism and geomorphological potentials of the touristic villages of Khalkhal using Kobalikova, Violet and Zoros geotourism models. It is located at 37 degrees 7 minutes to 37 degrees 56 minutes north latitude and 48 degrees 1 minutes to 48 degrees 54 minutes east longitude. The current research is descriptive-analytical-applicative.
Methods: to evaluate the studied areas from the Fiolet models, which examines geotourist areas based on four criteria: origin of formation, geographical distribution, tourism, and access status; The Kubalikova model, which emphasizes more on scientific, educational, economic, conservation and additional criteria, and finally the Zoros model, which evaluates the studied areas in three parts of scientific-educational value, conservation values, and usability value, has been used.
Results: Based on the results obtained from the Fiolet model, the village of Kazaj is in favorable management and tourism conditions with scores of 0.68 and 0.65, respectively, in management and tourism rates. Based on the results obtained from the Kubalikova model, the village of Kazaj, with a score of 11.75 out of 18 points, has favorable conditions for the development of the rural tourism industry in the region. Also, according to the results obtained from the Zoros model, the village of Kazaj, with a score of 61.5 out of 100 points, has taken the first place among the studied geotourism villages and has many geotourism and geomorphological capabilities.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the village of Kazaj is one of the rare villages in the region due to its geomorphological attractions and terraced view, and it has a high potential to attract tourists.
Research Paper
mahmoodreza sharghi; rahim heydari chianeh; shahrivar rostaei
The tourism industry as a new industry, especially in recent years, has had a profound impact on the economic, social and cultural situation of most countries in the world. Studies on the effects of tourism in the 1960s focused on the positive effects of tourism and on its negative effects in the 1970s, ...
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The tourism industry as a new industry, especially in recent years, has had a profound impact on the economic, social and cultural situation of most countries in the world. Studies on the effects of tourism in the 1960s focused on the positive effects of tourism and on its negative effects in the 1970s, and in the 1980s, they turned to a more balanced and systematic approach. From the cultural and social aspect, tourism will cause cultural interaction with the outside world, the internationalization of local culture, the improvement of educational and health systems, but with all its beneficial effects in the socio-cultural field, it has also had destructive effects. Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon has many effects for the host and guest, social cultural effects are one of the most important. Since tourism is a two-sided coin including guest and host, it is not possible to develop tourism without examining and studying their mutual interaction patterns. The present research has been carried out in line with this necessity. The current research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The most important primary data collection tool required for research is interviewing and questioning, and questionnaires were designed based on research objectives, finding answers to questions and testing research hypotheses, and were distributed and questioning among the citizens of Tabriz as the host community. To analyze and evaluate the data, statistical methods and models such as Krumbach's alpha, Klumgrove-Smirnov and Student's t tests were used. The results of the research show that due to several reasons, including the lack of public education, the host community does not have adequate and necessary information about the direct and indirect positive effects of urban tourism development, including the economic and social cultural excellence of the host and the guest.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
shahram salamati; Rasoul Ghorbani; iraj teymuri
Therefore, by evaluating the driving factors of a child-friendly city, it is possible to achieve the higher goal of urban planning, which is spatial justice, and provide a suitable platform for cities to be child-friendly. In this regard, the main goal of this research is to identify the key factors ...
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Therefore, by evaluating the driving factors of a child-friendly city, it is possible to achieve the higher goal of urban planning, which is spatial justice, and provide a suitable platform for cities to be child-friendly. In this regard, the main goal of this research is to identify the key factors and driving forces of the child-friendly city in Ardabil with a future research approach. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the research includes researchers in the field of urban planning in Ardabil city. The sample size was obtained by the snowball sampling method of 50 people (with theoretical saturation) and Micmac software was used to analyze the data of this research. The findings of the research show that the variables of laws and instructions, strategic insight, administrative system, delegation of responsibility and legality, have the highest ranking of influence and variables of social trust, participation of residents, collective agreement, security and delegation of responsibility, the highest ranking of influence. They have the general adaptability. In general, among the 15 variables investigated in this research, 7 variables are the administrative system, rules and guidelines, central justice and safety and security, creating and designing entertainment and attractive environments for children and delegating responsibility to lower levels, as Promoters of the child-friendly city in Ardabil have been selected. The result is that any planning in Ardabil city should consider the key role of the mentioned factors. These variables have a high power of influence and low dependence in improving the state of the city and are considered the first priority in planning to create a child-friendly city in Ardabil.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
ESMAEiL nasiri hendehkhaleh; fazlollah esmaeili; REYHANEH YOUNESI SANDI
The aim of the current research is to identify the influencing factors of the sense of belonging to the place on the responsible environmental behavior of the citizens of the new city of Hashtgerd. The research is descriptive-analytical, documentary and survey methods were used to collect data. The sample ...
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The aim of the current research is to identify the influencing factors of the sense of belonging to the place on the responsible environmental behavior of the citizens of the new city of Hashtgerd. The research is descriptive-analytical, documentary and survey methods were used to collect data. The sample volume was determined using Cochran's 453 formula. The sample was selected randomly. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by university professors and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha statistic (0.789). In order to analyze the questions of the questionnaire, non-parametric tests were used, and to extract the relationships between the variables, correlation test and path analysis, SPSS and AMOS software were used. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between all the variables of sense of place belonging (fixed variable) and responsible environmental behavior of citizens (dependent variable). The perceptual-cognitive variable has the highest coefficients. This variable has an effect of 0.37 units on the level of the dependent variable (environmentally responsible behavior of citizens) and all indicators of this variable are significant at the alpha level of 0.05 and at the 99 percent confidence level. The results of the path analysis also show that the perceptual-cognitive variable (β=0.173) has the highest direct and indirect effect on the environmentally responsible behavior of citizens and the performance index ranks second.
Research Paper
mitra rouhani; vali nemati; Behrouz Nezafat takle
Geotourism is one of the newest concepts in the field of tourism and primarily focuses on enhancing geological and geomorphological features in landscapes as tourist attractions. The current research aims to analyze the geo-touristic and geomorphological capacities of Sabzevar county using the models ...
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Geotourism is one of the newest concepts in the field of tourism and primarily focuses on enhancing geological and geomorphological features in landscapes as tourist attractions. The current research aims to analyze the geo-touristic and geomorphological capacities of Sabzevar county using the models of Hadžić, Kubalikova and Feuillet. The geo-touristic areas of Roodab, Rivand and Tabas were selected as the study areas. This research was conducted by completing 108 questionnaires (25 tourist and 11 experts for each model) for each of the three study areas and calculating their scores. According to the results obtained from the Hadžić model and the examination of scientific and surplus values by experts and tourists; the Tabas region with a score of 91.68 has the highest geo-touristic potential and the Rivand region with a score of 25.41 has the lowest. Also based on the results obtained from the Kubalikova model, the Tabas region with a score of 76.8 has the highest score and the Rivand region with a score of 49.6 has the lowest in the total scientific, educational, economic, conservation and cultural values. The results from the evaluation through the Feuillet model and the examination of managerial and tourism values also indicate that the Tabas region with a score of 86.7 has the highest score and the Rivand region with a score of 36.6 has the lowest in the total evaluation values. Therefore, it is concluded that the Tabas region in Sabzevar county, among the studied areas, has greater geo-touristic and geomorphological potential. Finally, it is suggested that future studies for analyzing the geo-touristic capacities of Sabzevar county should use new and updated software and models.
Research Paper
sayyad asghari; hamid Soleimani Youzband; Aboozar Sadeghi
Cereals are considered one of the most important sources of dietary protein, and wheat is a significant cereal crop with high protein content. Currently, the rapid and excessive population growth and the perceived shortage of available resources to meet essential human needs are among the biggest challenges ...
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Cereals are considered one of the most important sources of dietary protein, and wheat is a significant cereal crop with high protein content. Currently, the rapid and excessive population growth and the perceived shortage of available resources to meet essential human needs are among the biggest challenges facing the world. Accurate and up-to-date statistics and information on agricultural capacities form the foundation of proper planning and management in agricultural affairs.
Methods: In this study, Sentinel2-L2A satellite images were initially downloaded, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was extracted using the set of images containing ground reflectance data. Then, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest classification algorithms were applied to the images using the R programming language in the Jupyter Notebook environment.
Results: Finally, it was observed that the Random Forest algorithm performed better and more appropriately, with an overall accuracy of 93% and a kappa coefficient of 87%, compared to the Support Vector Machine algorithm, which had an overall accuracy of 90% and a kappa coefficient of 82%. This preference is due to its higher accuracy and kappa coefficient, indicating a greater agreement with reality and higher prediction accuracy.
Conclusions: The results of these algorithms showed that each algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses. The Support Vector Machine algorithm is used in many classification problems due to its simple structure and adequate performance. However, in this study, it performed weaker compared to the other algorithm, the Random Forest. The Random Forest algorithm usually provides accurate results due to its ability to combine different models and reduce the effect of overfitting. Nevertheless, its high computational complexity can be problematic in larger applications.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Asghari Zamani Akbar; Iraj Teimouri; Mir Ali Seyed Mosaffayi
Today, cities are facing many economic, social, environmental and physical challenges. Based on this, livability is one of the most important recent concepts and theories in urban planning, which leads us to having a city that is suitable for living. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to compare ...
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Today, cities are facing many economic, social, environmental and physical challenges. Based on this, livability is one of the most important recent concepts and theories in urban planning, which leads us to having a city that is suitable for living. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to compare the livability of urban spaces in new and old areas of Tabriz city, a case study of Ahrab and Valiasr neighborhoods. In terms of nature, the current research is of the type of applied research; And in terms of analytical-descriptive method. In this research, the factors affecting urban livability in the studied localities have been investigated in the spatial dimension through studies, and then criteria have been determined in 6 dimensions including housing, per capita, accessibility, environment, infrastructure and population. After determining the criteria, the development and construction (comprehensive) plan of Tabriz city, the statistical yearbook of the country, the statistical yearbook of East Azarbaijan province, the statistical blocks of Tabriz city, Landsat 9 satellite images and the data of the chemistry laboratory of Tabriz University have been used to obtain information layers. In the next step, the collected data were analyzed using ArcGIS software and the results were presented in the form of maps and tables. The findings of the research showed that the level of livability indicators in the two neighborhoods do not differ much, except in some cases, according to the criteria, in the end, the TOPSIS technique was used for weighting and final conclusions, and the results show that Valiasr neighborhood with a weight of 0.59 The percentage is more livable than Ahrab neighborhood with a weight of 0.41%.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
lila balilanasl
Considering the special values of the city of Sahand and especially the Hasht Behesht complex, this research has tried to identify the potentials as well as the weaknesses and limitations that this city faces in order to take advantage of its urban branding capacities and to identify the priorities for ...
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Considering the special values of the city of Sahand and especially the Hasht Behesht complex, this research has tried to identify the potentials as well as the weaknesses and limitations that this city faces in order to take advantage of its urban branding capacities and to identify the priorities for planning. and introduce and predict the direction of creating a city brand. The aim of the present research is to explain the key drivers effective on the branding of the Hasht Behesht complex in Sahand city. The present research is in terms of practical purpose, in terms of descriptive-analytical nature and as a combination of library and survey methods and is based on a future research approach. The scope of the research was the city of Sahand. The statistical population of this research is 30 experts in the field of urban and urban branding. For data analysis, the Delphi method, cross-effect matrix (MICMAC) was used. The findings of the research showed that among the 38 main factors influencing the branding of the Hasht Behesht complex in Sahand city, 14 variables are known as key and influential. that these variables have the most influence and the least influence on the future development of branding of Hasht Behesht Shahr Sahand. Also, the results showed that in terms of the direct influence of variables such as the creation of new spaces and mechanisms with a score of 79, the influence of the complex in creating a sense of relaxation and the different form and height of the existing green spaces and water features with scores of 73 and 72, respectively,
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi; Erfan Rahimpour; Fatemeh Jabbarpour Mehrabad
Neighborhood is one of the most important pillars of Iranian-Islamic cities. In historical cities, especially during the Qajar period, each neighborhood provided the daily needs of the residents. Researches have been conducted to represent the main structure of historical cities by using the main physical ...
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Neighborhood is one of the most important pillars of Iranian-Islamic cities. In historical cities, especially during the Qajar period, each neighborhood provided the daily needs of the residents. Researches have been conducted to represent the main structure of historical cities by using the main physical elements, while the physical aspects are not the only aspect that shapes the structure of the neighborhood and the non-physical aspects have also had a significant impact on the formation of traditional neighborhoods. Neighborhoods in traditional cities are usually the result of social interaction between people close to each other. The aim of the research is to identify physical and non-physical factors influencing the structure of historical neighborhoods, to identify and read the structural system of neighborhoods in Urmia city during the Qajar period. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and in order to access the required data, library sources and historical written and illustrated documents, as well as reconstructed maps, oral sources, as well as field evidence and documentation have been used. The data obtained from different sources have been analyzed in an interpretive way and finally the results show that the neighborhoods of Urmia city have a definite border and territory, which, while communicating with other neighborhoods, would preserve the entirety of each neighborhood. Each neighborhood had a specific gate in the city wall and several main passages and passages, the main passage being the communication passage between the gate and the market. At the intersection of the main passages of the center of the neighborhood with the mosque, religious and other uses were formed. The needs of the residents of each neighborhood were met due to the use of services within the neighborhood, and the neighborhoods had social and cultural continuity, which distinguished them from other neighborhoods.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Vahid Pasban; essa ebrahimzade; nader zali
Knowledge-based urban development is a new model of development that, due to the reliance on knowledge as an endless source of energy, is considered a new approach to sustainable urban development that is formed, dynamic and fruitful in the context of cities. Due to its human nature, this type of development ...
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Knowledge-based urban development is a new model of development that, due to the reliance on knowledge as an endless source of energy, is considered a new approach to sustainable urban development that is formed, dynamic and fruitful in the context of cities. Due to its human nature, this type of development has spread rapidly in recent years in different countries, especially in big cities. In Iran, the city of Tehran, as the political, economic and demographic center of the country, has been one of the main platforms for the expansion of this type of development, which has housed various uses related to this area from 1389 to 1402. The main goal of this research is to understand the spatial distribution pattern of knowledge-based uses, to identify the central core of its formation and its development path at the level 22 districts of Tehran. the statistical and spatial information 2700 of the most important knowledge-based applications, which have been officially approved and registered by the office of the evaluation and recognition of competence of knowledge-based companies and institutions and are currently operating, have been used. The research method is descriptive and based on field and library studies. Spatial statistics tools available in GIS software environment were used for spatial analysis of knowledge-based uses. The results of the research indicated that the spatial distribution pattern of knowledge-based uses in the city of Tehran is a cluster, the highest density of which is in the north of Tehran and related to areas 2, 3 and 6, and the mainly southern areas of this city do not have a significant share of this type of uses. It was also found that the knowledge-based company . At the end suggestions were made for the quantitative and qualitative development of these uses and their optimal management.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
baballah hayati; Hanieh Razzaghi; Ghader Dashti; Maryam Haghjou
Own- ebn- Ali resort is the largest mountain resort in the country, with an average of one million visitors a year. Due to the natural limitations of the region, the increasing pressure of tourists leads to the destruction of natural values and thus the destruction of tourism capabilities in the region, ...
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Own- ebn- Ali resort is the largest mountain resort in the country, with an average of one million visitors a year. Due to the natural limitations of the region, the increasing pressure of tourists leads to the destruction of natural values and thus the destruction of tourism capabilities in the region, which is one of the reasons for paying attention to the sustainability of tourism in this region. The aim of this study is to evaluate the tourism sustainability of Own- ebn- Ali area of This study the Social, economic and environmental dimensions were considered as decision criteria for sustainability assessment and indicators were considered for each of these dimensions. The weighted value of dimensions and indices was calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).Results revealed that the environmental dimension with a weight of 0.520 has the most and the social dimension with a weight of 0.220 have the least impact on tourism sustainability. In the economic dimension, the indicators of "employment rate" and "existence of online communications in the region", and in the social dimension, indicators of "tourist satisfaction with the security of the region" and "health services status" were the most important criteria, respectively. Moreover, the indicators of "water quality" and "environmental health" had the greatest impact on the sustainability of tourism in the environmental dimension, respectively. According to the results, in order to achieve higher levels of tourism sustainability, the necessary policies should be adopted to increase the indicators affecting sustainability, the most important of which is to emphasize the natural face of Own- ebn- Ali region and reduce construction operations in that region.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
seyed Karim Mousavi; mahsa faramarzi; nazmfar hos
The concept of space quality is the product of various conditions and variables, which are actually the influential elements in space-geographical place. The objectivism of space plays a prominent role in every city and establishes mutual relations with critical situations such as earthquakes. ...
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The concept of space quality is the product of various conditions and variables, which are actually the influential elements in space-geographical place. The objectivism of space plays a prominent role in every city and establishes mutual relations with critical situations such as earthquakes. In this article, the quality of space is considered as a benefit or a public good that has functional, perceptual and physical dimensions. The public benefit is not only considered in the conventional sense of urban services and their equal distribution, but it is a public benefit and good.
Methods: Text
The research method is descriptive and analytical. A number of 120 people have been questioned randomly from the residents of Zone 1 of Tabriz Municipality.Results: Text
Conclusions: The research results indicate that the quality of space has a significant effect on reducing vulnerability to earthquakes.
Research Paper
Mohsen Hamidianpour
The city of Mashhad, with a population of more than 3 million people, ranks as Iran's second-largest city. To enhance its resilience against environmental hazards, the adoption of new technologies is increasingly essential. On May 26, 1403, during a 48-minute rain due to the formation of a cumulonimbus ...
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The city of Mashhad, with a population of more than 3 million people, ranks as Iran's second-largest city. To enhance its resilience against environmental hazards, the adoption of new technologies is increasingly essential. On May 26, 1403, during a 48-minute rain due to the formation of a cumulonimbus cloud and the strengthening of its ascending conditions by a Trough on top of it, a flood occurred in the city of Mashhad led to heavy financial and human losses in different areas. This study aims to explore both natural and human factors contributing to the flood through a holistic approach. To analyze the synoptic meteorological causes, data from the ERA-5 and its maps were utilized in GrADS. Additionally, Landsat satellite imagery and digital elevation data were employed to identify waterways and canals. Google Earth and GEE software were also used to assess changes in the landscape. The results showed that in terms of intensity and duration of rainfall, the rainfall was unprecedented rainfall, and according to the threshold of 95% percentile, it is considered as extreme rainfall category (above 95% percentile). The results of this study clearly show that human encroachments, especially in urban construction and the expansion of urban roads and highways perpendicular to the seasonal and dry rivers of the city, have strongly affected the water flow pattern and increased the risk of floods. The neglect of urban geomorphology, including the destruction of natural water pathways, the construction of barriers against water flows ways like those in the Seyyedi region, and the expansion of roads perpendicular to these waterways, was intensified flooding issues in various areas in Mashhad city.
Research Paper
Maryam Teymouri; Bromand Salahi; Mohammad-Ali Nasr Esfahani
To study the cyclogenesis within the Mediterranean region in different phases of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the cold season (November, December, January, and February) between 1989 and 2020, MJO index and mean sea level pressure data from the European Centre for Medium-Term Atmospheric Prediction, ...
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To study the cyclogenesis within the Mediterranean region in different phases of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the cold season (November, December, January, and February) between 1989 and 2020, MJO index and mean sea level pressure data from the European Centre for Medium-Term Atmospheric Prediction, ERA5 section were utilized. For visualizing the frequency, depth, and tracking characteristics of cyclogenesis, the University of Melbourne method was used. The results showed that the strongest cyclones in the region formed in phases 8, 6, and 7, respectively, with a pressure less than 994 hPa. In terms of the frequency of cyclogenesis and the core of cyclones in the region, the highest and the lowest amount of cyclogenesis were related to phase 7 and 1, respectively. The results showed that phases 6 and 7 have the strongest central pressures, whereas phases 1, 3, and 5 have the weakest central pressures of the MJO phases. Phase 2 has the lowest value of central pressure and the highest average pressure is related to phase 5. The tracking of cyclones that formed within the Mediterranean region showed that most of the paths that ended in the western regions of Iran were in phases 2 and 8, whereas in other phases, these tracks had a southwest to northwest direction. These situations were the case during phases 3, 4, 6 and 7, which caused most of the cyclones formed in the cold season of the year to affect most of the north-western regions of Iran.
Research Paper
Yagob Dinpashoh; Saina Vakili Azar
In this study, storm patterns were analyzed in three rain gauge stations in Gilan province. All the storms were divided into the three distinct classes which are: i) 0-6 hrs, ii) 6-12 hrs, and iii) >12hrs. Analysis performed separately for each of the classes. Huff curves were plotted and the pattern ...
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In this study, storm patterns were analyzed in three rain gauge stations in Gilan province. All the storms were divided into the three distinct classes which are: i) 0-6 hrs, ii) 6-12 hrs, and iii) >12hrs. Analysis performed separately for each of the classes. Huff curves were plotted and the pattern of rainfall identified using the quartile approach. The pattern of storms obtained using an innovation method based on vertical distances of 90 and 10 percent Huff curves and 50% Huff curve (d50) at 25, 50 and 75% of duration. Results showed that most of patterns were the second quartile type. Comparing the V-values, it was found that the V-value of Hashtpar in the less than 12 hours classes was high in all the three durations (i.e. 25, 50 and 75 percent). This indicates that the storms variability in Hashtpar was more than others. In more than 12-hours class, the station Kharajgil at 25 and 50 percent duration shows large value of V. However,, in the station Galeh Rudkhan, the large V observed at 75% time duration. Moreover, results showed that the station Kharajgil had large value of d50 at 25, 50 and 75 percent of durations in the class of 0-6 hours comparing the two other stations. This implies that rainfall intensities at station Kharajgil were more than the two other stations. In the class of 6-12 hours, the large value of d50 at 25 percent of time at station Kharajgil was observed. However, the large value of d50 observed at 50 and 75 percent of duration at station Galeh Rudkhan. At the class of more than 12 hours, the station Kharajgil showed large d50 values in 25 and 50 percent durations. The value of d50 for station Hashtpar in 75 percent duration was large among all the stations.
Research Paper
Akbar Rahimi; Mahnaz Mehrabani; Hossein karimzadeh
Tourism is one of the most important industries in the world, and one of its dimensions is rural tourism. Nowadays, tourists are more looking for natural and traditional spaces to get rid of crowded urban environments and also for new experiences. The objective in this work is to evaluate the influencing ...
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Tourism is one of the most important industries in the world, and one of its dimensions is rural tourism. Nowadays, tourists are more looking for natural and traditional spaces to get rid of crowded urban environments and also for new experiences. The objective in this work is to evaluate the influencing features of the rural landscape on the development of tourism and its validation in Chubin village of Neyshabur township.
In this research, the method of library documents and the review of specialized literature related to the subject, the orientation of the effective indicators of desirable rural landscapes have been used, and in the next step, the elements and indicators have been evaluated using the process of field observation. And finally, according to the effective and main indicators, a questionnaire was designed. The validity of the questionnaire was checked by experts and its total reliability was estimated at 0.817 based on Cronbach's alpha. The sample size was calculated based on Mitra Lankford's formula and distributed among 300 visitors from Chubin village. Data analysis was done using spss software and Spearman's correlation tests and multiple linear regression.
First, the results showed the effective indicators on rural landscapes with the approach of tourism development. Also, the results showed that there is a significant relationship between rural landscape indicators and tourism development indicators. In addition, the ecological index has the greatest impact on the development of tourism in Chobin village, and visiting tourists considered the criteria related to the ecological index to be the most effective factor for attracting to this area.
Therefore, to realize the development of tourism in villages,understanding of the components of desirable rural landscapes in the design of rural landscapes as well as designing according to the expectations of tourists can improve the fields of tourism development.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Reza Motahar; Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour; Mohammadsaleh Shokouhibidhendi
The urban planning system is responsible for solving many of the city's problems that lead to the realization and formation of spatial justice. This is while some of the planner’s decisions to promote this importance in urban plans have not been successful. It seems that one of the most important ...
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The urban planning system is responsible for solving many of the city's problems that lead to the realization and formation of spatial justice. This is while some of the planner’s decisions to promote this importance in urban plans have not been successful. It seems that one of the most important problems in planning the city of Tehran is the weakness of the mechanisms and models presented to adjust the existing spatial inequalities and promote spatial justice. The aim of the current research is to explain the conceptual framework of spatial justice with emphasis on the place and capacities of sustainable tourism in Tehran.
This research, with an interpretive and critical paradigm, uses inductive, deductive and interrogative; the research is fundamental and qualitative. The strategy of collecting information is library and field, and its method is logical and analytical reasoning. Concepts and standards of spatial justice with emphasis on sustainable tourism are explained in the form of a conceptual framework, and by using the two-stage Delphi technique, the consensus of experts has been made regarding its validation.
The results show that some of the criteria of these two concepts have semantic affinity with each other. That these criteria were placed in one category and finally considered as themes of spatial justice in urban tourism. Also, after explaining the conceptual framework, the researcher's autonomous definition of each of these criteria, which include environmental conditions, service centers, access and movement, public benefit, facilities and facilities, the amount of investment, diversity, freedom, participation and security based on Islamic requirements and The native conditions of Tehran city were stated.
Explaining the conceptual framework of spatial justice by using effective and practical models, including sustainable tourism, has an effective effect and role in the promotion of spatial justice in Tehran.
Research Paper
Asadollah Hejazi; Mohammad Hosain Rezaee moghaddam; seyfaldin merrikhi
Among the various branches of tourism, geotourism has received a lot of attention in recent years, and the reason for paying attention to geotourism while preserving the geographical features of an area such as environment and cultural heritage is paying attention to tourists' needs and improving ...
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Among the various branches of tourism, geotourism has received a lot of attention in recent years, and the reason for paying attention to geotourism while preserving the geographical features of an area such as environment and cultural heritage is paying attention to tourists' needs and improving the lives of local residents. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the geotourism capabilities of North Bonajoo Rural Disirict of Bonab County. Geographical location of North Bonajoo Rural Disirict in latitude 37 degrees 35 minutes to 37 degrees 53 minutes and longitude 45 degrees 54 minutes to 46 degrees 20 minutes in the central part of Bonab city in It is located in the south of East Azerbaijan, its northern border is covered by Ajab Shir city and its eastern border is covered by Maragheh city and it leads to Urmia Lake from the west. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and nature and is among the applied researches in terms of purpose. The method of data collection and information in this research is library method and field method. The statistical population of this research includes tourism specialists (tourism experts in provincial organizations, tourism professors of provincial universities). The selected sample number is 30. To analyze the research hypotheses from Fasoulas model and draw a map through ARC GIS 10.6 and statistical analysis was performed using EXCEL software. The results of the analysis of Fasoulas model show that based on the scientific value and tourism of geo-sites, the highest value of 18.88 is related to the slow caves of Sur village, the second rank is related to Turan DarrehSi and its springs are 18.26, the third rank is doosh Dam with 14/18, the fourth rank is related to Shah Abbasi Cave with 14.06.
Research Paper
Rahim Heydari Chianeh; Freydoun Babayi Aghdam; hossein panahalghalandis
The purpose of this research was to examine the challenges of urban tourism development and planning in Tabriz metropolis, emphasizing the destination personality and branding of Tabriz metropolis and providing strategies for improving destination image management.
This research is applied and practical ...
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The purpose of this research was to examine the challenges of urban tourism development and planning in Tabriz metropolis, emphasizing the destination personality and branding of Tabriz metropolis and providing strategies for improving destination image management.
This research is applied and practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the research was tourists entering Tabriz metropolis in 1403 and the statistical sample size of the research was estimated to be 200 people using Cochran's formula.
The findings of the research showed that except for urban traffic and proper access to sanitary services in most parts of Tabriz city, Tabriz city has the capacity for tourism in most of the mentioned cases and these capacities can be used in order to make Tabriz a popular tourist destination.. It covers the world and the existence of rich literature. Also, the results showed that from the point of view of the people studied, the challenges of geographical location far from Tabriz (lack of central location) and lack of proximity to other cities and central provinces of Iran with an average of 3.65, seasonality of travel to Tabriz with an average of 4 and challenges of communication with the community The host (citizens of Tabriz) with an average of 3.25, among the basic and important challenges of tourism development and not forming the personality of the destination, Tabriz is prominent.
Based on the findings of the research, Tabriz city has good tourism capacities and can be introduced as a prominent tourist destination. However, challenges such as geographical location far from the center, seasonality of travel to Tabriz and communication with the host community have been identified as the main obstacles to tourism development and the formation of the personality of Tabriz destination
Research Paper
Mahnaz Saber; Bromand Salahi
In this research, the drought situation of Aras Basin under the conditions of climate change has been investigated. For this purpose, simulated precipitation data of CNRM-CM6-1-HR model with high horizontal resolution (10 km) under SSP585 scenario during 76 years and 912 months of the future period (2100-2025) ...
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In this research, the drought situation of Aras Basin under the conditions of climate change has been investigated. For this purpose, simulated precipitation data of CNRM-CM6-1-HR model with high horizontal resolution (10 km) under SSP585 scenario during 76 years and 912 months of the future period (2100-2025) were used, and the SPI index was determined as a criterion for evaluating the drought situation. The monthly analysis of the future drought under the SSP585 scenario with the SPI index showed that the drought trend is decreasing in all stations except Jolfa station. Under the SSP585 scenario, the most severe drought of the period was simulated in Ardabil and Ahar in April 2094, in Jolfa in April 2094, in Parsabad in February 2028, in Khoi in September 2078 and in Mako in May 2080. On an annual scale, the frequency of drought in Mako, Jolfa, Parsabad, Khoi and Ardabil was calculated as 42, 41, 39, 36 and 34 years respectively. Spatial distribution of annual precipitation anomalies in Aras basin showed that the maximum of very severe drought and the minimum of very severe wets are located in the southeast of the basin (Ardabil station), while the maximum core of extreme wets and the minimum core of extreme drought are concentrated in the southwest of the basin. On a monthly scale, the core of maximum and minimum frequency of positive anomalies is mainly located in the western half of the basin. On an annual scale, the largest increase in the estimated positive precipitation anomalies was related to Ardabil, Parsabad and Ahar, and the largest decrease in negative anomalies was related to Ahar, Khoy and Ardabil. On a monthly scale, the maximum decrease in negative anomaly is related to Parsabad and the maximum percentage increase in positive anomaly is related to Jolfa.
Research Paper
vahid safarian; Ahmad Fatahi Ardakani
The aim of the present study was to estimate Iran's climate change based on the CMIP6 report with the approach of satellite data using climatic elements (minimum temperature, maximum temperature and precipitation) until the year 2100.The tools used in this research included innovative algorithm ...
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The aim of the present study was to estimate Iran's climate change based on the CMIP6 report with the approach of satellite data using climatic elements (minimum temperature, maximum temperature and precipitation) until the year 2100.The tools used in this research included innovative algorithm methods, coding and NASA data. In order to evaluate and predict the climate elements, the moderate scenario (SSP2_4.5) and the very pessimistic scenario (SSP5_8.5) of the Canadian CanESM5 model based on greenhouse gas emissions, which were common socio-economic paths (SSPs), were used. For better analyze, investigate and compare Iran's future climate changes, the studied period of 80 years was divided into the two periods the near future (2021-2060) and the distant future (2061-2100). The results showed that in the first 40-year period (2021-2060), based on the SSP2-4.5 scenario, the change of climatic elements was reported as minimum temperature of 1.91 °C, maximum temperature of 1.41 °C, and maximum amount of precipitation of 15.22 mm for the coming years. Also, for the second 40-year period (2061-2100), based on the SSP2-4.5 scenario, the process of changing climate elements with minimum temperature of 1.71 °C, maximum temperature of 1.17 °C and maximum amount of precipitation of 22.25 mm for the coming years were predicted. According to the findings obtained from CMIP6 and using SSP2_4.5 and SSP5_8.5 scenarios in forecasting climatic elements, the results showed that the amount of minimum and maximum temperature climatic elements was associated with an increasing scale and this increase in SSP5_8.5 scenario was greater than in the SSP2_4.5 scenario. Also, the forecast amount of precipitation based on the SSP2-4.5 scenario in the near future period (2021-2060) will be less than the far future period (2061-2100) and the amount of precipitation in the SSP5-8.5 scenario will decrease compared to the SSP2-4.5 scenario.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Majid Goodarzi; Hengame Dalvand
The rapid growth of urban populations and the increasing reliance on private vehicles have exacerbated traffic congestion and air pollution in major cities, including Ahvaz. Artificial intelligence (AI), as an emerging technology, offers significant potential to address these challenges. With capabilities ...
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The rapid growth of urban populations and the increasing reliance on private vehicles have exacerbated traffic congestion and air pollution in major cities, including Ahvaz. Artificial intelligence (AI), as an emerging technology, offers significant potential to address these challenges. With capabilities such as data analysis, behavior prediction, and process optimization, AI has attracted considerable attention within the transportation sector. This study aims to explore the role of AI in enhancing Ahvaz's urban transportation system. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and a structured questionnaire, data were collected and analyzed via structural equation modeling (SEM) using SPSS and AMOS software. Results indicate that the safety and monitoring index, with a factor loading of 0.87, exerts the most substantial impact on transportation development in Ahvaz, followed by logistics and fleet management, route optimization, and intelligent traffic and vehicle management. The findings underscore the importance of investing in IT infrastructure, training specialized personnel, and fostering inter-organizational coordination for the effective implementation of AI in urban transportation in Ahvaz.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Marzieh Sedaghat Kish; Hamidreza Varesi; Amir Reza Khavarian Garmsir
Objective: High-rise building has been proposed as a tool to curb urban development, but an abstract approach to this tool has brought negative economic, social, cultural, physical, environmental, and political-management consequences. The current research deals with the status of high-rise construction ...
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Objective: High-rise building has been proposed as a tool to curb urban development, but an abstract approach to this tool has brought negative economic, social, cultural, physical, environmental, and political-management consequences. The current research deals with the status of high-rise construction in the northern areas of Isfahan based on sustainable development indicators to achieve sustainable high-rise buildings.
Methods: The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. Information has been collected through library and field studies with the help of a questionnaire tool. The statistical population of the research includes experts in the relevant fields in the northern regions of Isfahan, i.e. regions: 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14, which are 75 people (the share of each region is 15 people) by simple random method and two-stage Delphi method. The collected data were analyzed using one-sample t-tests, stepwise regression and Swara's decision making technique. Results: The results of the research showed that high-rise buildings in all the northern areas of Isfahan city do not have a favorable status in terms of urban sustainability indicators. In such a way that region 8 is at the first level of clarity and region 14 is at the last level. On the other hand, the physical-infrastructural component with a beta of 0.443 has the greatest effect on stabilizing high-rise construction. Also, the management component with a final weight of 0.279 is in the first place and the social and cultural component with a weight of 0.137 has the lowest weight and is placed in the last place. Conclusions: According to the obtained results, it can be said that urban management has a significant role in high-rise construction in the field of construction and supervision.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Isa Piri; Mina abbasi; Hadi Naimi; alireza navarian
Since the time of ancient Greece, the city has been more than a physical body and a carrier of political-legal issues, therefore, urban contexts are an important platform for reading the legal and legal issues. In other words, the formation of events that happened in the context of the city ...
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Since the time of ancient Greece, the city has been more than a physical body and a carrier of political-legal issues, therefore, urban contexts are an important platform for reading the legal and legal issues. In other words, the formation of events that happened in the context of the city tells about the state of "legal matter" in its various dimensions. Both from the side of political and social rights and civil rights, and from the side of the right to the city of Lofuri. The state of construction violations is an important indicator of this reading. The present research has been carried out using a descriptive analytical method and the studied indicators have been studied in the two urban areas of Aksane and Islamabad in the city of Zanjan. The results of the research indicate that construction violations can originate from several factors such as economic, social, physical, managerial, and laws and regulations. According to the research results, it can be concluded that all these factors are involved in the occurrence of construction violations in Zanjan city, but the influence of management factors in the formation of construction violations is more than other factors. Therefore, it can be said that construction violations will always be more in cities with poor management and profit seeking.
Keywords: right to the city, human rights, construction violations, urban fabric
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Milad Babaei Eliasi; Shahram Karmi Palengari; Samira Nakhjavani; Saber Mohammadpour
The main goal of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of urban prosperity on urban livability in Rasht metropolis. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of this research includes all the citizens ...
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The main goal of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of urban prosperity on urban livability in Rasht metropolis. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of this research includes all the citizens living in Rasht city, whose number is equal to 679,995 people based on the census of 2015, and the required sample size was determined to be 384 people using Cochran's formula. After completing the questionnaires and the collected data, it was analyzed using SPSS and EXCEL software and one-sample T-tests and multivariate regression to investigate the effects of urban prosperity on urban livability.The results of the one-sample T-test show that Rasht city is not in a good state in terms of urban prosperity and livability indicators. In such a way that out of six indicators of prosperity, only one index of quality of life with an average of 3/01 has a favorable situation and the rest of the indicators are in an unfavorable situation. Also, among the indicators of livability, only three indicators are above average, including public education, quality of public space, and quality of natural and good landscape, and other indicators are below average. The results of multivariate regression showed that there is a significant relationship between the effects of flourishing and livability according to the significance level (0/001); In the meantime, the quality of life index with a beta value of 0/534 had the greatest impact on the livability of Rasht city, and the environmental sustainability index with a beta coefficient of 0/102 had the least impact on the
Research Paper
Sirus Khodadadeh; Ali Mohammad Khorshiddoust; BEHROOZ SARISARRAF
The relationship between Rossby wave breaking and heavy rainfall events in northwest Iran was examined on a synoptic scale. This study analyzes the potential vorticity (PV) at the 330 Kelvin potential temperature level. Severe rainfall systems in northwest Iran were identified for a 33-year ...
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The relationship between Rossby wave breaking and heavy rainfall events in northwest Iran was examined on a synoptic scale. This study analyzes the potential vorticity (PV) at the 330 Kelvin potential temperature level. Severe rainfall systems in northwest Iran were identified for a 33-year statistical period (1990-2024), leading to the identification of Rossby wave breaking events. A long-term climatological analysis of both anticyclonic and cyclonic Rossby wave breaking was conducted. Four patterns of Rossby wave breaking were identified for two types of breaking, in connection with severe rainfall occurrences in northwest Iran. The results indicate that the identified patterns exhibit the highest frequency of Rossby wave breaking events in spring and autumn, while winter and summer rainfall patterns show the lowest frequencies. The highest frequency of cyclonic wave breaking events (CWB) occurs in the months of Farvardin (March-April) and Ordibehesht (April-May), while the highest frequency of anticyclonic wave breaking events (AWB) occurs in the months of Mehr (September-October) and Aban (October-November). The analysis of potential vorticity streamers (2PVU) and their relationship with heavy rainfall events in the studied region shows a strong seasonal dependency between Rossby wave breaking that penetrates both latitude and longitude, contributing to or enhancing heavy rainfall in northwest Iran. Consequently, this research can provide a better understanding of synoptic and dynamical rainfall patterns and improve medium- to long-term weather forecasting in the country.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
alireza Daviran; Sima ghayebloo
The urban scale of the informal economy as an economy is inevitably accepted in the economic structure. Despite creating challenges and urban issues caused by the weakness of the urban planning and management system, this economy has many capacities. The purpose of this research is to know the structure ...
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The urban scale of the informal economy as an economy is inevitably accepted in the economic structure. Despite creating challenges and urban issues caused by the weakness of the urban planning and management system, this economy has many capacities. The purpose of this research is to know the structure of this type of economy in the physical and economic system of the city so that it can be a guide for formulating the type of intervention and organizing them. The research method is an inductive-interpretive method based on the database model, which was conducted using interview and observation tools in a sample size of 75 fruit sellers in Zanjan city. The collected data were open, central and selective coding, and the categories and concepts and their repeatability coefficient were extracted. Finally, the paradigmatic model resulting from causal, contextual, mediating and strategic conditions was interpreted and its consequences were explained. The paradigmatic model resulting from the mentioned concepts, categories and conditions shows: fruit vendors have focused their activities on establishing a functional distance between residence and work and main roads. The location of the vendors is effective and the space in question has the role of a dock for equipment and work tools. Environmental health, traffic safety, space security, along with market control, family livelihood and organization have been the most important structural categories of freight sellers. The study of the consequent conditions in the paradigm model shows that abandonment, lack of attention of urban management, coercive action, weakness of urban development programs are the consequential obstacles of fruit vendors and the capacity to participate and organize the active consequences of fruit vendors in Zanjan city.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
Asghar Abedini; setareh ramesh; Zahra Alizadeh
Objective: The15-minute city, as a novel approach in urban planning, emphasizes quick and easy access to services and facilities within a short distance. This approach can significantly reduce dependence on private cars and improve environmental indicators. The aim of this study is to investigate the ...
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Objective: The15-minute city, as a novel approach in urban planning, emphasizes quick and easy access to services and facilities within a short distance. This approach can significantly reduce dependence on private cars and improve environmental indicators. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of15-minute cities on reducing environmental footprints, traffic, air pollution, and enhancing the quality of urban life in the city of Urmia.
Methods: This research is descriptive-analytical in nature, and the data were collected using both library and field methods. In the first stage, indicators related to environmental footprints and the principles of15-minute cities were identified through library studies. Subsequently, a standardized questionnaire was designed based on these indicators and used for collecting field data. The data obtained were modeled and analyzed using Smart PLS software.
Results: The findings indicate that accessibility has the greatest impact on reducing environmental footprints. Easy access to local services and facilities can reduce intra-city trips and private car usage, thereby decreasing energy consumption and air pollution. Additionally, the diversity of services and facilities has a significant effect on reducing environmental footprints, emphasizing the importance of developing local infrastructure and improving urban amenities. Biocapacity, as a mediating variable, plays a crucial role in optimizing natural resource consumption and reducing waste production. Furthermore, renewable energy development, improved waste management, increased green spaces, and reduced air pollution have positive and significant effects on mitigating environmental pressures and enhancing urban life quality.
Conclusions: Implementing policies based on the15-minute city model can have a profound impact on reducing traffic, optimizing energy consumption, and enhancing urban sustainability in Urmia.The findings highlight the importance of developing this urban model as an effective approach to reducing environmental footprints and improving the quality of life. It is recommended that urban policymakers prioritize this model in future planning efforts.
Research Paper
Urban Planning
abdul Rahim hashemi; Hatef hazeri; , Sajjad Ali Hossein Al-Karaani
Objective: Iraq is one of the countries that has seen population growth and rapid urbanization. This growth may lead to increased energy needs in various sectors such as transportation, construction, industry and services. Investigating the effect of population growth on energy efficiency can improve ...
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Objective: Iraq is one of the countries that has seen population growth and rapid urbanization. This growth may lead to increased energy needs in various sectors such as transportation, construction, industry and services. Investigating the effect of population growth on energy efficiency can improve energy consumption in the country. Because energy efficiency reduces energy waste, reduces costs and increases economic competitiveness. Considering the importance of this issue, the main goal of this study is to investigate the impact of urbanization on energy efficiency during the period from 1990 to 2022.
Methods: In this study, energy efficiency is estimated by data envelopment analysis (DEA) method, and then by ARDL method, the effect of urbanization rate on it is investigated.
Results: The results showed that urbanization had a positive and significant effect on energy efficiency in Iraq. Also, based on other results of this study, the impact of the variables of GDP growth, human capital index, gross fixed capital formation, foreign direct investment and industrial added value on energy efficiency is also positive and significant, and the trend of energy efficiency in Iraq, despite its fluctuation, It is somewhat bullish.
Conclusion: Urbanization can affect energy efficiency through various channels, so as to strengthen energy consumption patterns and the effectiveness of energy policies in order to improve efficiency.
Research Paper
sharam bahrami; mobina ghanbari
Tourism industry comprises major part of the global economy, and is part of economies that has considerable effects on different cultural, social, and environmental issues. The aim of this research is to assess the potential capabilities of tourism of Ghezel-Ozan River in Gilvan and Manjil regions. The ...
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Tourism industry comprises major part of the global economy, and is part of economies that has considerable effects on different cultural, social, and environmental issues. The aim of this research is to assess the potential capabilities of tourism of Ghezel-Ozan River in Gilvan and Manjil regions. The study area is located along Ghezel-Ozan River, and areas around river from Gilvan to lake of Sefidrud Dam in three provinces of Zanjan, Ghazvin and Gilan. The variables affecting in the capability of tourism including infrastructure, accessibility, security, vulnerability, management, participation, landscape diversity, awareness, and notification were classified. The statistical population of research includes 112 managers and persons who directly work in tourism field. Result shows the effects of different factors in the growth of tourism in Ghazvin region. Statistical analysis reveals that the advancement in infrastructure, accessibility, landscape diversity, and the society awareness is very important to reinforce river-based tourism. Based on obtained results, it can be inferred that security, participation, and infrastructure parameters in the study area do not have appropriate situation and, hence these parameters should be improved to enhance tourism. The tourism attraction of Ghazvin region can be supported by exploitation of its present potentials as well as by addressing its vulnerabilities. At the same time, it can assure the sustainable growth for local communities.
Research Paper
Bromand Salahi; Mahdi Frotan
Objective: In the present study, the relationship between the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) index during the dominance of its different phases and the climate patterns prevailing in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman during the period 1994 to 2023 was investigated.
Research Method: MJO index data ...
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Objective: In the present study, the relationship between the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) index during the dominance of its different phases and the climate patterns prevailing in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman during the period 1994 to 2023 was investigated.
Research Method: MJO index data were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website and the eight phases of this index were separated. The days of the MJO were selected with a sequence of more than 15 days and the arrangement of each phase was plotted with the Wheeler and Hendon diagram in MATLAB software. Data related to precipitation, air temperature, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Level Pressure, geopotential height, cloud density and Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) were obtained from the NOAA website and changes in climate patterns during the dominance of each phase were examined.
Results: Phases 1 and 2 of the Madden-Julian oscillation have the highest number of continuous sequences with a duration of more than 15 days, with 9 events. The study of the OLR showed that within the activity range of each of these phases, the amount of radiant energy at the earth's surface has decreased to a minimum. This situation has led to the strengthening of convective activities and an increase in cloud density in these areas. During all periods of the dominance of the eight phases of the Madden-Julian oscillation, the presence of a thermal low-pressure system has been observed in the study area.
Conclusion: The phased Madden-Julian Oscillation has had a significant impact on the climatic patterns of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. In phases 1, 2 and 5, the phenomenon of blocking over the studied area has dominated and by blocking warm and dry air, the sea surface temperature has increased and the amount of precipitation has decreased.
Research Paper
Marziyeh Esmaeelpour; manijeh lalehpour; Maryam Mohammadi
As a special form of tourism, ecotourism plays a vital role in sustainable development, and many environmentalists have suggested it as a strategy to protect natural resources. This research evaluates the competitiveness of ecotourism and the potential locations for peri-urban resorts in Maragheh County ...
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As a special form of tourism, ecotourism plays a vital role in sustainable development, and many environmentalists have suggested it as a strategy to protect natural resources. This research evaluates the competitiveness of ecotourism and the potential locations for peri-urban resorts in Maragheh County using the Pavolova model and fuzzy logic. The findings reveal that among the nine positive factors identified by the Pavolova model, the historical and cultural monuments, stratigraphic locations, and caves are considered to be the most important positive factors, and lack of infrastructure, deficit of financing to expand and inadequacy of prices to the services are among the most important negative factors affecting the competitiveness of the county. The overall ecotourism competitiveness rating for Maragheh is 1.52, categorizing it as "good." To site selection for the resorts, first, thematic maps for various indicators including elevation, slope, vegetation cover, distance to rivers, soil type, land use, geology, and access to transportation networks, city and ecological regions were prepared. These thematic layers were analyzed using the fuzzy gamma operator to create an integrated map identifying suitable areas for ecotourism development. Results indicate that over 46.9% of the county's area is classified as very unsuitable for ecotourist resorts, while approximately 24.5% is unsuitable. Areas with medium suitability cover 16.5% of the county, while suitable and very suitable locations accounting for 9.4% and 2.7%, respectively. This data suggests that Maragheh possesses favorable conditions for establishing ecotourism sites. Finally, four potential sites for the construction of ecotourism resorts have been proposed.